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Losing confidence when writing essays

I find myself losing confidence easily when writing essays and I feel like I need constant reassurance that what I am writing is any good. I find this is preventing me from writing essays as I want them to be good and I feel like I am not doing the essays any justice. How can I change this as it is probably counter productive.
You sound like a perfectionist.
As long as you do your research well, create a good essay plan & stick to it, use PEGEX for every paragraph, cite all your quoted sources and proofread- you'll be fine.
Original post by londonmyst
You sound like a perfectionist.
As long as you do your research well, create a good essay plan & stick to it, use PEGEX for every paragraph, cite all your quoted sources and proofread- you'll be fine.

Do you have any tips for essay planing I tend to dive straight into the essay which is not a very good idea.
Original post by Anonymous1502
Do you have any tips for essay planing I tend to dive straight into the essay which is not a very good idea.

It depends on the subject that the essay is for and wordcount.
But as a general guideline, spend 2-5 mins planning out the essay outline (intro, 1st para, 2nd para, 3rd para, conclusion).
Then another 5 mins briefly outlining the points you intend to include in bullet point form with PEGEX and whether the sequential order seems right.
Original post by londonmyst
It depends on the subject that the essay is for and wordcount.
But as a general guideline, spend 2-5 mins planning out the essay outline (intro, 1st para, 2nd para, 3rd para, conclusion).
Then another 5 mins briefly outlining the points you intend to include in bullet point form with PEGEX and whether the sequential order seems right.

What exactly in PEGEX?
Original post by Anonymous1502
What exactly in PEGEX?

PEGEX= Point, Example, Explain.

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