The Student Room Group

Is the animation course at Westminster good?

I'll be joining the animation course at Westminster in September and want to know how students find the course, I'm interested in 2D animation and would like to know your experiences. Also your experience with the University in general.
I'm a 3rd year student and I love the course. The tutors all have different things to offer and you learn so much. They teach you lots of things in first and second year, which helps you specialize in a specific area. We are given the opportunity to collaborate and are offered lots of options for work experience. ( I was colour artist for a 3rd year film, and helped animate a scene in a film at the royal collage of art.) In 3rd year you also get the chance to go to Aardam animation studios to learn about the industry.(where they made walce and gromit) At the end of each year you have a major film you make and both my first and second year major films have been screened at festivals all over the world. The university in general is great and I have been offered many opportunities to get involved, including a FAN (Friend of arriving new student) student ambassador, course representative, student ambassador, promotional staff and I helped run the student elections. It's been the best 3 years!!
Original post by Charlotte_f98
I'm a 3rd year student and I love the course. The tutors all have different things to offer and you learn so much. They teach you lots of things in first and second year, which helps you specialize in a specific area. We are given the opportunity to collaborate and are offered lots of options for work experience. ( I was colour artist for a 3rd year film, and helped animate a scene in a film at the royal collage of art.) In 3rd year you also get the chance to go to Aardam animation studios to learn about the industry.(where they made walce and gromit) At the end of each year you have a major film you make and both my first and second year major films have been screened at festivals all over the world. The university in general is great and I have been offered many opportunities to get involved, including a FAN (Friend of arriving new student) student ambassador, course representative, student ambassador, promotional staff and I helped run the student elections. It's been the best 3 years!!

Thank you so much, I've been wondering how students felt in this particular course because there isn't much recent feedback.
(edited 4 years ago)
Original post by Charlotte_f98
I'm a 3rd year student and I love the course. The tutors all have different things to offer and you learn so much. They teach you lots of things in first and second year, which helps you specialize in a specific area. We are given the opportunity to collaborate and are offered lots of options for work experience. ( I was colour artist for a 3rd year film, and helped animate a scene in a film at the royal collage of art.) In 3rd year you also get the chance to go to Aardam animation studios to learn about the industry.(where they made walce and gromit) At the end of each year you have a major film you make and both my first and second year major films have been screened at festivals all over the world. The university in general is great and I have been offered many opportunities to get involved, including a FAN (Friend of arriving new student) student ambassador, course representative, student ambassador, promotional staff and I helped run the student elections. It's been the best 3 years!!

Hi i might go to westminster, how is the uni lecture rooms/lab rooms like and the accommodation and night life as well?
Original post by Cherith Grace
I'll be joining the animation course at Westminster in September and want to know how students find the course, I'm interested in 2D animation and would like to know your experiences. Also your experience with the University in general.

Hi there,

To connect with students who are studying the same course as you or at the University of Westminster in general, you can connect either through the student union here or through Global Community page

Best wishes and good luck! :smile:

Course Enquiries Team
Currently studying 'Animation' at Westminster Uni - and there has been very little animation taught on it. DO NOT COME HERE IF YOU WANT TO LEARN ANIMATION, I can't say that loud enough!! I regret coming here and unfortunately I have no choice but to see it through - However I do not want other prospective students to make the same mistake and be misled into taking a place here, some students have left or are leaving because the syllabus and module options are all mostly graphic design based. For example, Stop-Motion is now an optional module in the final year in its place are worthless industry modules that have nothing to do with the Film and TV industry and are tailored to the Illustration and Graphic Design courses. 75% of lecturers and lectures are of a poor standard. For the 1st year students already on this course, I would see if you can transfer because it doesn't get better and it has not been worth the tuition fee. I've heard good things about Bristol and AUB, but whatever you choose, avoid this course.
Original post by Anonymous #1
Currently studying 'Animation' at Westminster Uni - and there has been very little animation taught on it. DO NOT COME HERE IF YOU WANT TO LEARN ANIMATION, I can't say that loud enough!! I regret coming here and unfortunately I have no choice but to see it through - However I do not want other prospective students to make the same mistake and be misled into taking a place here, some students have left or are leaving because the syllabus and module options are all mostly graphic design based. For example, Stop-Motion is now an optional module in the final year in its place are worthless industry modules that have nothing to do with the Film and TV industry and are tailored to the Illustration and Graphic Design courses. 75% of lecturers and lectures are of a poor standard. For the 1st year students already on this course, I would see if you can transfer because it doesn't get better and it has not been worth the tuition fee. I've heard good things about Bristol and AUB, but whatever you choose, avoid this course.
That's really unfortunate to hear... I'm putting Westminster down as my insurance choice. I see you posted this a month ago, any updates on how the course is going?
Reply 7
It's still bad, you will get to learn zero about animation techniques and do very little animating - if ever! All you will be offered is graphic design-based modules, The course leader will make a lot of promises and big up this course but will deliver nothing and then ghost you once they've got your tuition fee. All the stuff I've learned has been mainly self-taught, some other students have had to resort to paying for external animation courses to learn what we are meant to be learning!! It's a disgrace, AVOID THIS COURSE. I hope you get into your 1st choice so you won't have the misfortune of being conned by this Uni.
Original post by Anonymous #1
It's still bad, you will get to learn zero about animation techniques and do very little animating - if ever! All you will be offered is graphic design-based modules, The course leader will make a lot of promises and big up this course but will deliver nothing and then ghost you once they've got your tuition fee. All the stuff I've learned has been mainly self-taught, some other students have had to resort to paying for external animation courses to learn what we are meant to be learning!! It's a disgrace, AVOID THIS COURSE. I hope you get into your 1st choice so you won't have the misfortune of being conned by this Uni.
Well thanks for the warning 😭 glad to have seen this thread!!

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