The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Which store are you starting in?
Reply 2
Southampton! u?
Reply 3
Southampton! u?

Reply 4
so can you explain the induction and training process 2 me please! :-)
Reply 5
so can you explain the induction and training process 2 me please! :-)

Dude im in the same position as you!
I work at currys, got offered a job yesterday, and i start induction next wednesday!
At currys i got paid for the induction and also got paid monthly
I work in the oxford circus store so seeing as we are flagship it may be a bit different but heres what i know!!
1. Your induction is payed and all we did was go into a room and go over all of the basic rules and regulations which are in the staff handbook which you should recieve, then we did all of the paperwork like bank accounts, looking at contracted hours and signing contracts, then a brief q&a and a little role play thing about different situations that could arise in store. Finally we went out onto the shop floor and were brouht onto the department we would be working on to meet managers etc. After that we had 30mins with a 'buddy' onn each department just watching and learning what to do from them...basic stuff really.
2. Im being paid 6.70 an hour but i've been there for a while and its in central london, i think my starting pay was 5.50 or something like that but you should find out on your induction day, and it is monthly pay.
3. I don't really know about your notice but usually a contract will have been drawn up before your induction and they will go by the availability that you gave on your application/interview.
4. You should get the uniform t-shirt at your induction because you may be doing the 'buddy' thing on the shop floor and will need to be in uniform.

Hope this helps!
x x x
Reply 7

Is the Role Play Scary lol! What do you have to do? hehe

Will we be given aour department we will be working on aswell?

Thanks for your help!
Reply 8
I'm sorry i don't work at RI, but i must say Southampton River Island is amazing!!!

The newly opened one seriously is awesome.
Reply 9
I did the exact same thing as jelly the role play. I imagine they just act out situations like if a customer asked for certain products or made a complaint etc. Its all common sense really.

I got put on my department on the induction.
Reply 10
river island is a crap company to work for
A 2012 update on the questions!

1. What do you have to do at the induction/training? (is it payed)

The induction is basically just filling out some forms, and sorting out your bank details etc. You're then given the mandatory safety talks regarding fire and everything safety-related. You're also given a bit about River Islands history, and basically what is expected of you in your job etc. Theft and basic things are also covered. The induction as a whole should last about 2 hours, and I believe it was paid although can't remember for definite.

2. Do you get paid weekly or monthly?

River Island pays its staff monthly, with the working week beginning on the first Sunday of every month. This includes temp positions. Pay for over 18s is £6.17 at my store, and for under 18's it's somewhere in the region of £4.50-£5.00 per hour.

3. If i have to give my old job leaving notice, will river island get in during the week leading up to my start date to train and to do extra hours, or will they leave it to i leave my present job?

As far as i'm aware you'll be trained at the same time as everyone else, which is basically all in the induction and then on-the-job training as you go.

4. When do you get your uniform?

I got my uniform at the end of my second shift which consists of a free top and bottom from their current season. A top and bottom can be anything such as a jumper or top, to a skirt or trousers for example! Just something for the top of your body, and something for the bottom only up to the value of £65. You don't have to wear their shoes or anything as they can't force you to wear their clothes if they don't give you them for free. You get a 30% discount on stock, bar sale items, but it is a strange system where you don't get it automatically, and it takes time to earn the 30%. Basically- don't go in and expect the discount straight away. You can supplement your uniform with anything else as long as it's unbranded, and if it is from River Island, it must be from their current range.