Pritchatts Park consits of:
The Pritchatts Road Houses (3,7,9 and 11 Pritchatts Road)
which are four large houses for postgrads (50 week contact) amd contains single and double rooms (for couples).
The Spinney, this year is a postgrad hall (50 week contact) with one bathroom and toilet between five, (Flats 5-10, 12-17) and two or three bathrooms between eleven or more. (Flats 1-4, 11, 18)
Ashcroft is undergrad (42 week contact) with 33 flats all having one bathroom and one toilet between six. It is generally considered to be the 'worst' in terms of quality in Pritchatts, but I found it perfectly fine and extremely socialable.
Oakley Court is all undergrad this year (42 weeks). Flat one, two and three is one bathroom and one toilet between about five, while the other eighteen flats have two bathrooms and toilets between about ten to thirteen, but two rooms in each flat also also share an additional bathroom between them (called a dulpex). Oakley Court is nicer that Ashcroft, with larger rooms and a lounge area, although it is more expensive and not everyone likes living in a flat with another twelve people in it.
Pritchatts House, well, the bathroom facilities are something. Undergrad again, with are 24 duplex rooms, which are nice and fine. The rest have to do with 'bathroom blocks' which sometimes two flats share. Bearing in mind that there can be up to 18 living in one flat, they aren't the nicest in the world, to be honest, at the best of times. However you have a sink in your nice, biggish, room, there and Pritchatts House is right above the Social Centre (with it's own bar) so it's ok.
Pritchatts Park is a nice, lively hall with it's own bar and Social Centre, with Sky, Pool, Snooker, Darts, Table Football etc, etc. It's got a Residents' Committee which puts on a lot of events at the Social (by a lot, we mean more than any other hall at Birmingham.) It may be basic at times, but it's a ok place to live, which makes up for it's issues with the great social atmosphere and distance from campus.
Personally, I prefer Ashcroft, because it's cheap, but many prefer Oakley Court due to the larger rooms and nicer living area.