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Academically intelligent but no common sense?

I get reasonable good grades at college (mostly Bs and a few Cs) which is good coming from my family lol. No-one has ever been to university from my family or speaks any other languages so to say I've learnt to speak Spanish semi-fluently and will be learning another at uni suggests that I must have some academic intelligence.
The problem is, I have absolutely no common sense - I'm clumsy, I forget dates, times, chores etc... I'm quiet and I think it's true for others, or so I've heard, that people who are academically clever can have no common sense. Is anyone else like this? :redface:

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yes, I had a thread about this a while back.

I've been called intelligent but not clever.
Pretty much everyone I know who's academically clever isn't like that, but it does get pointed out more than if they weren't because of this stereotype.
Common sense is what tell us that the earth is flat and the sun orbits it
common sense doesnt exist
Reply 5
My sister is academically clever - strings of A*s at GCSE, 4 As at AS, 3 As at A2, and a distinction in her first year of a medicine course at Cardiff.
However, she couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery :p: Her organisational skills are really really poor and while she's not totally lacking in common sense there is something to be desired there as well :p:
Oh, I'm exactly the same. If there's a way to do something that involves less effort/time/money, I won't think of it. I miss obvious methods and things like that, and off paper am generally a bit of an airhead.

When it comes to jobs and stuff, I forgot those as well. And I'm always late because I forget times.
So you're not alone!
Reply 7
Me...and ive been told this by many ppl.....altho i wouldnt say im completey stupid, i can do and say the most stupid things...but when it comes to Academia im above average. Lol

And yes im very clumsy too!!! This really annoys my bf who says 'for a clever girl, you can be really THICK at times' LOL..
manderlay in flames
Common sense is what tell us that the earth is flat and the sun orbits it

And not to walk of cliffs - which one hurts more? :wink:
common sense doesnt exist

Someone with common sense, would know common sense does exist, :wink:
Yeah, this really exists, there's a guy at work who's completely useless, makes shed loads of mistakes, never finishes the day's work load so I have to do it on a monday morning when I get back in the office, and yet somehow he got 89% on his first year uni exams?! I don't understand how someone who is obviously intelligent can be that useless!

Although I'm sure you're not that bad. He's the most extreme case of it I've come across!
I have neither.

Oh woe.
Someone with common sense, would know common sense does exist, :wink:

You can see the emporor's new clothes can't you
Reply 13
Yeah, don't have much common sense at all despite my academic achievements. I can't cook, barbecue, I'm terrible at putting my clothes in the wash and drying/ironing them, I get clumsy when I have to do the simplest of jobs (even moving object x to location y can confuse me sometimes)... really don't have that much general knowledge about things at all, either :s-smilie:
Reply 14
i'm exactly like you, my parents call me the nutty proffessor
Reply 15
My theory is that people can get top grades in their exams, but it doesnt necessarily mean that they have any common sense or social skills!
Reply 16
I get it quite often - to be fair, I am rather clumsy. And perhaps short sighted in some everyday matters. Apparently, tying everything you see on TV to some wider socio-psychological, even philosophical point is a 'faupar' in polite circles. Beats me.
One of my teachers is like this. He can spew out any maths or physics-related formulas, solve them and explain the most complicated of things to our class and we'll always find it hard to keep up because he's writing it down on the board and saying things at the speed of a bullet train.

But then he revealed to us that he can't actually remember his own telephone number. :s-smilie:

We thought he was joking but it's actually true!
Reply 18
Thanks for the replies! Lol, the reason I ask is because I think I'm about to lose my job over it. I work as a weekend cleaner but I can't remember the routine, if I see something else that needs cleaning I'll do it aswell but apparently that's me getting side-tracked and I'm clumsy with the cleaning equipment. It's denting my confidence because they've threatened to fire me and if I can't even do a simple cleaner's job, how the hell am I going to cope with a full time job or uni? Help! How do you get more common sense? :P
Oh yes. A friend of mine is one of the smartest in our year, but hasn't got a clue outside the lecture hall :smile: and she's the president of our departmental society this year, good luck freshers!