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I want to buy the CD 'Get Your Guns Out 4', but my friend it's chavvy :frown:. How can I make her see that it's what I like, but that it doesn't necessarily make me a chav? Also for my birthday, I asked for a clown necklace from Argos and a pair of Pineapple tracksuit bottoms. She said no as it would make me a chav :eek:. WTF is her problem :mad: ?

I think she is just teasing you.
Reply 2
Reactions like those of your friends is a clear sign of jealousy. She probably can't afford stuff you can. Or alternatively..... she needs to grow up!!! :smile:
necklace from Argos?

I'm not being rude but, come on!

Maybe she wants to buy you something nice, rather than some cheap tack from Argos.
Reply 4
Whats wrong with Chav stuff?

(I bet i'll get flamed for saying that :biggrin:)
Have you explained to her that you find her comments upsetting? She may simply be looking out for you, but you really shouldn't have to justify your likes and dislikes to a friend.
ditch her
Reply 7
like this is like crazy man
Reply 8
On topic: Why would you actually shop at Argos for a golden necklace?
Reply 9
Meaning you are most likely 100% chav.

Q: Whats the worst thing about chavs driving over a cliff in a Nova and killing themselves?
A: A nova can only seat 4.. :frown:
Reply 10
it's a facepalm moment!
Reply 11
You are just as bad as my friend; not seeing past the Pineapple clothes. It's like when I get the bus with her, she won't let me listen to DJ Ironik on my phone. Yes I'm a girl and yes I do wear hoop gold earrings. What is wrong with that?

Listen on your headphones ? Or play out loud on your phone ? I HATE people on buses who play music on their phone out loud.
You are just as bad as my friend; not seeing past the Pineapple clothes. It's like when I get the bus with her, she won't let me listen to DJ Ironik on my phone. Yes I'm a girl and yes I do wear hoop gold earrings. What is wrong with that?

Well it seems you are a chav. Just explain to her that you are a chav and that she should accept it.
Don't worry what youur friend says but perhaps tone it down slighty and vary the music you listen to, I recommend indie, I think you should ask for something like a gorgeous Pilgrim necklace if you are looking for jewellery for your birthday as it is a) pretty b) better quality
Wait wait wait.

Has no one stopped to consider that she can actually spell properly, therefore, must not be a chav?
Reply 15
Listen on your headphones ? Or play out loud on your phone ? I HATE people on buses who play music on their phone out loud.

Well obviously listening to it out loud on my phone, otherwise there wouldn't be a problem. I've only got 3 songs on there anyway, Stay with Me, Freed from Desire, and H two O, so it's not like she doesn't know what to expect.
Eh, I get called all sorts of things, some people who would be considered more 'chavvy' call me 'indie', and then some people who are a bit 'scene' call me a chav, though we're mostly all friends, it's just teasing.
Reply 17
Well obviously listening to it out loud on my phone, otherwise there wouldn't be a problem. I've only got 3 songs on there anyway, Stay with Me, Freed from Desire, and H two O, so it's not like she doesn't know what to expect.

Well I wouldnt care if the song was also my favourite. Can't you just buy some cheap headphones? That way you get to listen to whatever you want and not piss off anyone else.
Reply 18
I bet the clown necklace will go very nicely with your lacquered hair and side-bits :smile:.
Reply 19
Is it actually a CLOWN necklace? :s-smilie:

That's it I think it looks really stylish. I really don't see what her problem is.