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Reply 1
Im hoping very:frown:

Ive been giving a BBB offer but i think im getting ABE lol
Reply 2
If you don't get the grades they asked for, call up and bribe / beg / howl down the phone and pray that they let you in. If you've got your heart set on Holloway let them know! Nobody wants a bunch of half-assed "I came here because I couldn't be bothered to go anywhere else" students. Best of luck to you!
very if they can give you a please they will
some people have got stupidly low grades like cde needing bbb and still got in
on the otherhand if loads of people make the grades they may not have space for you, and if you dont have space and dont make the grades then there is very little chance of you getting the place. basically it depends how many other people get the right grades. bare in mind aac when you need abb means you havent made it, you will try be the first people to get spare places
Reply 4
I asked the History department what the procedure was if you don't make your conditional offer and they said they'll decide if they can still offer you the place and contact you by UCAS either way. Sounds like you're not meant to / don't have to ring them up. However I'm sure if I got rejected I'd be on the phone ever waking hour...
History department were quite lenient with me. I was offered BBB which I think was already down from the average offer. I got BBDE. I called up on the day in panic and asked if I had a place, they said yes and just hung up, lol. I could only think that perhaps because I had 4 A levels the points together perhaps made up BBB?
Reply 6
I've heard of even lower grades than that compared to the original offer getting through. It just depends how full the course is. I hope I get my grades but I also hope that they'd let me through anyway as I have my A in History already. Who did you call just admissions or the History department in particular? Thanks.
Reply 7
they lower their grades considerably as i'm a student and have seen the grades they drop down most requirements and alot of courses are on clearing as they want to get as many people in as possible. i do however know a few people that were turned away by just one grade below but again most departments lower their grades.
Reply 8
It appears to be true. I was given a generous offer anyway and the course I hold an offer for was in clearing last year. So that evidence seems to suggest they are quite lenient. But as I think I've said and indeed others have said, it just depends on demand. They want a full course, they want your money. What's slightly worrying, albeit understandable, is that clearing courses can sometimes be only for international students who have to pay more, so I've heard.
It appears to be true. I was given a generous offer anyway and the course I hold an offer for was in clearing last year. So that evidence seems to suggest they are quite lenient. But as I think I've said and indeed others have said, it just depends on demand. They want a full course, they want your money. What's slightly worrying, albeit understandable, is that clearing courses can sometimes be only for international students who have to pay more, so I've heard.

courses on the clearing list are for all students, however sometimes international students can get into courses which arent on the offical clearing list. a good example of this is psychology at rh last yr- the normal offer was abb, MOST people with aac didnt get on however some international students and students with 4 a levels ect did get a place. also some students doing combined courses can get on to a subject which is full, i have no idea how this works but it has been know to happen- eg biology with psy you may get on to in clearing even if the psy course is full!
I got in with less grades for German and Italian :smile:!
Why does like everyone have lower conditional offers than me hehe, mine are ABB for politics?
Im a bit scared.
The thing is that there is usually a good array of choice in RH clearing. But as I met the official grades for the course, I didn't need to do any bargaining. Good luck everyone, I'm sure you'll all do well and there should be room for negotiation if need be.
Well my offer was ABB, and I had BBC, but i assume it depends on what course your applying for and various other factors such as your personal statement etc
Maybe they let you in on lower grades if they "wuv" you
courses on the clearing list are for all students, however sometimes international students can get into courses which arent on the offical clearing list. a good example of this is psychology at rh last yr- the normal offer was abb, MOST people with aac didnt get on however some international students and students with 4 a levels ect did get a place. also some students doing combined courses can get on to a subject which is full, i have no idea how this works but it has been know to happen- eg biology with psy you may get on to in clearing even if the psy course is full!

This is very true. I worked on the clearing 'hotline' in the summer of my first year and it was exactly the same. They keep some clearing places open for international students for psychology because of the quotas they have to fill and because the tution fees they get from them are so much higher than home/EU students. I can be pretty confident in saying that if you're a home or EU student applying for psychology and you dont get your grades then you won't get in. But maybe its worth a call anyway. As for other subjects they are usually less full so work a try. I think management is quite oversubscribed as well though...
My Offer was ABC/BBB including maths

I got BBC with the one B, one mark away from an A, and the C three marks away from a B, so really I was one mark away and they still rejected me so I would say they are not lenient at all.
Reply 17
Very. 3 grades off and still got an offer. Was offered another course that i was 8 grades off!
Reply 18
I'm sooo scared they gave me my prediction of AAB for History, I was really hoping the'd give me ABB!!
It s my fave and I'm probs gonna get ABB but I want in!!
Reply 19
My offer was for ABB and I got BBC for German and Spanish but it really depends on the course you're doing and how many applicants they get etc