The Student Room Group

Student nurse 2300 nmc placement hours

I've officially got 5months left until I qualify 😁 I've had a bit of time off due to my childrens Illnesses over the last 3 years.
I'm just wondering if anybody knew how many hours you actually have to do before finishing. I've tried to contact uni but they just arent getting back to me. I reckon I will have done about 2000 so 300 short
Original post by Djevans90
I've officially got 5months left until I qualify 😁 I've had a bit of time off due to my childrens Illnesses over the last 3 years.
I'm just wondering if anybody knew how many hours you actually have to do before finishing. I've tried to contact uni but they just arent getting back to me. I reckon I will have done about 2000 so 300 short

Strictly speaking it is 2300 hours, however you need to contact the university to get them to calculate exactly how many more you need to do. Each university has an agreement in place with the NMC regarding what their students will have upon applying for registration. Some universities overshoot the 2300 hours slightly so you may have a few more to get. I took time off due to illness in my 3rd year and had to do 2360 hours (if I recall correctly).

It's also important to check with the university what the maximum number of hours you can do in a week, and the cutoff to get these hours in order to graduate with the rest of your cohort. The university won't count any hours above their maximum.
Hi guys i need some help can you please answer the following:

1. Are you aware of what schizophrenia is?(Yes/No) How do you know about it?
2. Do you think schizophrenia links to violent crimes committed?(Yes/No) Why?
3. Is there enough help for people with schizophrenia?(Yes/No)
4. Do you think that these people with this health issue are able to control their actions?(Yes/No) Why?
5. Is there enough funding for schizophrenia?(Yes/No/Not Sure) How can we make available funds?
Reply 3
Original post by Djevans90
I've officially got 5months left until I qualify 😁 I've had a bit of time off due to my childrens Illnesses over the last 3 years.
I'm just wondering if anybody knew how many hours you actually have to do before finishing. I've tried to contact uni but they just arent getting back to me. I reckon I will have done about 2000 so 300 short

You still need 2300 hours. As Charlotte's Webb says, it'll be partly down to the university a d their agreement with the NMC, however I can't see them being that lenient with hours - 300 hours is a full 8 weeks' worth of placement. You may well end up having to do more placement just to make up those hours, however I'm surprised that the university hasn't flagged this up as an issue before and tried to put something in place so you get the hours required.
Reply 4
It's apparently 2300 theory and 2300 practice. Hopefully you've sorted this now.
Reply 5
Please I need help about something the next require 2300 and I only did 1328 hours now they are asking to intermit I am in my 3 year due to graduate this 23 of December 2023 now they are telling me to intermit from August to come back April 2024 to continue with my hours I do not know what to say but I am confuse my university is Anglia Ruskin can please someone help me please
Reply 6
looks like its your only realistic option thats a massive amount of hours to make up
Original post by EmmaJ10
Please I need help about something the next require 2300 and I only did 1328 hours now they are asking to intermit I am in my 3 year due to graduate this 23 of December 2023 now they are telling me to intermit from August to come back April 2024 to continue with my hours I do not know what to say but I am confuse my university is Anglia Ruskin can please someone help me please

This is going to be something you need to negotiate with your university to come to a realistic plan to how you can make up these hours. Even working full time (37.5 h/wk) constantly for the remainder of the year would still leave you under, so I doubt it's realistic for you to finish with your current cohort. Speak to your university and see what their plan is for you to make these hours up.
Reply 8
Original post by moonkatt
This is going to be something you need to negotiate with your university to come to a realistic plan to how you can make up these hours. Even working full time (37.5 h/wk) constantly for the remainder of the year would still leave you under, so I doubt it's realistic for you to finish with your current cohort. Speak to your university and see what their plan is for you to make these hours up.

Thank you

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