The Student Room Group

Dismissed from Tesco unfairly

Basically people who I thought were customers that I served bought lots of gifts cards they spent like thousands and I didn’t know until the week after that they were fraudsters. They also said I ignored till prompts ,didn’t let the guys sign the receipts, and the issue is that I never got told about signing receipts ever since I worked at Tesco. So last week I had an investigation meeting and they told I’d have a disciplinary ,then Saturday I had the second meeting and they told me that they’ll have to dismiss me. The mad thing that the same people came that day but in the morning so the shift leader was meant to tell me that this has happened so if a group of guys tries to buy gift cards then i should ring the bell ,but he didn’t tell me anything so this happened and now I lost my job. I tried explain to them that but they just said that I should’ve called for help ,also I was meant to get the receipts signed but I didn’t know as they never trained me on how to deal with gift cards. So unfortunate really,so now I neeed to look for another job, so long but I’m over it tbh.
I’ve appealed the decision they made ,and I’m going to have a meeting next Friday,because I believe I was treated unfairly. I think should’ve got a warning and maybe get additional training on the tills,but they didn’t bother putting themselves in my shoes.

Do you think I should’ve got dismissed over this?
Bear in mind that I’ve never had a meeting about anything since working at Tesco ,worked there since July 2018,I’ve never had anyone complaining about me.
(edited 4 years ago)
i think they treated you very badly like why was it your fault you never got trained properly and should they have taken precaution following the incident?!
Original post by Melodoro
Basically people who I thought were customers that I served bought lots of gifts cards they spent like thousands and I didn’t know until the week after that they were fraudsters. They also said I ignored till prompts ,didn’t let the guys sign the receipts, and the issue is that I never got told about signing receipts ever since I worked at Tesco. So last week I had an investigation meeting and they told I’d have a disciplinary ,then Saturday I had the second meeting and they told me that they’ll have to dismiss me. The mad thing that the same people came that day but in the morning so the shift leader was meant to tell me that this has happened so if a group of guys tries to buy gift cards then i should ring the bell ,but he didn’t tell me anything so this happened and now I lost my job. I tried explain to them that but they just said that I should’ve called for help ,also I was meant to get the receipts signed but I didn’t know as they never trained me on how to deal with gift cards. So unfortunate really,so now I neeed to look for another job, so long but I’m over it tbh.
I’ve appealed the decision they made ,and I’m going to have a meeting next Friday,because I believe I was treated unfairly. I think should’ve got a warning and maybe get additional training on the tills,but they didn’t bother putting themselves in my shoes.

Do you think I should’ve got dismissed over this?
Bear in mind that I’ve never had a meeting about anything since working at Tesco ,worked there since July 2018,I’ve never had anyone complaining about me.

Realistically, no-one can tell you whether or not you 'should' have been dismissed from your job, because we only have your side of the story. It sounds like they've dismissed you under 'gross misconduct'.

If you think you have a valid argument and appeal, then Friday's meeting is the place to air it. Do you have any representation or support at this meeting from, for example, a union rep or colleague?
this does sound like the management are blaming you for their incompetence.
Reply 4
Do you have proof that they didn't give you the training that they think they did?
Give [email protected] an email
Reply 6
They did dismissed for gross misconduct,however I got told that the same group of people came before my shift started while a colleague of mine was working on tills that day,but no one told me anything when I started my shift. Normally when things like this happen,you’d expect the shift leader to tell you to be careful if a certain customer comes in trying to buy gift cards or at least write a note. This incident could’ve easily be prevented if the manager or shift leader told me about it since it happened earlier in the day,but no one told me anything and now I paid the consequences losing my job. I got to university and only used to do 8 hours a week,I never had an issue with no one ,I’ve had customer even leaving good review about me. At the same time I feel like they think I helped these guys out since they were black and I’m black too.

I don’t have an union rep or colleague at the moment ,still working on that.

They said they don’t give training on gift cards apparently.
Reply 7
Are you a USDAW member? If so go to tribunal if you truly weren’t trained properly and think you’ve been dismissed unfairly
Hi Vexper

I'm abit confused over her situation with things because normally you get taught how to do gift cards etc etc on tills and if somebody comes in and ask for a certain amount of gift cards you supposed to get this certified by your supervisor or team leader, your till normally will only authorise upto certain amount and if you doing over that then must get authorisation from upper management so somewhere along the line there's seen to be a issues with what happened there .
If there's gangs or individuals going around doing this it's usually policy to alet the staff about this so they are aware of problems arising so although its her word against the store Manager that she don't know anything I can't understand where's it went wrong or was the dismissal fair or not as we don't know all the facts about the incidents that happened there.
There's can be one important piece of evidence in her case and that's the CCTV as most stores has then hidden above tills to watch this sort of things happenening and they must keep it upto 28 days incase something happened and then deleted unusually after that .

To be actual dismissed for misgross conduct is serious and they must be sure they got there facts right on this. Usually disciplinary hearing takes places once they gathered all the evidence and the staff member would be either suspended untill such time a hearing is arranged or continue doing there job and can attend it with Union rep and there's seen to be lack of information on this side of it. There's seem more to it I think.
I do know how procedures work with tesco as I have dealt with those kind of hearings with staff members like and the proper procedures of training staff to, that's why I find it difficult to work out what happened like .
And places like here isn't the proper way to discuss a potential tribunal case as it can cause her more harm than good - her proper way is to seek help and advice from her union if she was a member of it and discuss things with them and not on public media sites . Any dismissal letter would tell her what to do if she got grounds of appeal as all relevant information should be on that okay.

And she not been on here much to defend herself either.
(edited 4 years ago)
Original post by Drewski
Do you have proof that they didn't give you the training that they think they did?

They should have proof of all training as its supposed to be on your records as any training goes towards your pay each year so I would imagine that they will have the training record of who taught her and how long they did it and time & date of such training ( not necessary the time but certainly the date ).
She may not have it unless she kept a note herself but as I said above their will be record of this on her file .
Original post by Melodoro
Basically people who I thought were customers that I served bought lots of gifts cards they spent like thousands and I didn’t know until the week after that they were fraudsters. They also said I ignored till prompts ,didn’t let the guys sign the receipts, and the issue is that I never got told about signing receipts ever since I worked at Tesco. So last week I had an investigation meeting and they told I’d have a disciplinary ,then Saturday I had the second meeting and they told me that they’ll have to dismiss me. The mad thing that the same people came that day but in the morning so the shift leader was meant to tell me that this has happened so if a group of guys tries to buy gift cards then i should ring the bell ,but he didn’t tell me anything so this happened and now I lost my job. I tried explain to them that but they just said that I should’ve called for help ,also I was meant to get the receipts signed but I didn’t know as they never trained me on how to deal with gift cards. So unfortunate really,so now I neeed to look for another job, so long but I’m over it tbh.
I’ve appealed the decision they made ,and I’m going to have a meeting next Friday,because I believe I was treated unfairly. I think should’ve got a warning and maybe get additional training on the tills,but they didn’t bother putting themselves in my shoes.

Do you think I should’ve got dismissed over this?
Bear in mind that I’ve never had a meeting about anything since working at Tesco ,worked there since July 2018,I’ve never had anyone complaining about me.

Unfortunately you are a bottom feeder of the company. Most of us have been there (I certainly was when I was 17).

The fact is the company has suffered a loss and you are the easiest person to point the finger of blame to. I’m going to be honest that there’s probably nothing you can do except look for another job. And for goodness sake don’t put Tesco on your CV.
Reply 11
As far as I aware unless you have been there a couple of years you have zero rights unless, excepting for discrimination. If you want to stay get some union support and plead your case.
Original post by the bear
this does sound like the management are blaming you for their incompetence.
I work for Tescos and they are awful employers. They most probably think you were part of the fraud.