Basically people who I thought were customers that I served bought lots of gifts cards they spent like thousands and I didn’t know until the week after that they were fraudsters. They also said I ignored till prompts ,didn’t let the guys sign the receipts, and the issue is that I never got told about signing receipts ever since I worked at Tesco. So last week I had an investigation meeting and they told I’d have a disciplinary ,then Saturday I had the second meeting and they told me that they’ll have to dismiss me. The mad thing that the same people came that day but in the morning so the shift leader was meant to tell me that this has happened so if a group of guys tries to buy gift cards then i should ring the bell ,but he didn’t tell me anything so this happened and now I lost my job. I tried explain to them that but they just said that I should’ve called for help ,also I was meant to get the receipts signed but I didn’t know as they never trained me on how to deal with gift cards. So unfortunate really,so now I neeed to look for another job, so long but I’m over it tbh.
I’ve appealed the decision they made ,and I’m going to have a meeting next Friday,because I believe I was treated unfairly. I think should’ve got a warning and maybe get additional training on the tills,but they didn’t bother putting themselves in my shoes.
Do you think I should’ve got dismissed over this?
Bear in mind that I’ve never had a meeting about anything since working at Tesco ,worked there since July 2018,I’ve never had anyone complaining about me.