The Student Room Group
Reply 1
That person who is working on deliveries at River Island is me!

Sorry but I really didn't get what your asking for ? :s-smilie:

From what I can understand...I don't know if any other retail shops are recruiting for that really depends on your store..Go in to your local stores and ask if they are reccruiting for deliveries.
Reply 2
Lol, thanks for reply. Have re-read my post and it isn't clear at all, sorry!!

If I remember correctly, you didn't really want to deliveries and were trying to swap to a normal sales assistant role so I just wondered if it was possible to specify the role you wanted or if they changed hrs/roles etc after ur interview?
Reply 3
I don't know specifically about other companies but I know they run differently to us at River Island cos we have separate departments that we're trained on. I think a lot of other clothes shops train people on all areas.

I think you can only apply for the vacancies possible. I tried to get a transfer to another RI but they wouldn't take me cos they wanted someone for a different department to mine.
Reply 4
Lol, thanks for reply. Have re-read my post and it isn't clear at all, sorry!!

If I remember correctly, you didn't really want to deliveries and were trying to swap to a normal sales assistant role so I just wondered if it was possible to specify the role you wanted or if they changed hrs/roles etc after ur interview?

Umm Yeah it is possible to specify which role you would like ..for example 'sales assisstant' working on the shop floor...and if they do have any vancancies for that role..then they would hire you!
Before your interview...they would tell you what role you would be applying for.

Hope this helps :biggrin: Good Luck
Reply 5
Thanks for replies, will try and make more sense in future posts!
Reply 6
Ive just been offered a job as a stock room person for topshop, and i was just wondering if anyone knows what tasks need to be done? And what the pay for a 17 year old is? thanks. Gem x
I worked at a big river island store and they had their seperate teams! I was in the stockroom team! It wasnt what i was expecting and i didnt enjoy it! I rather be on the shop floor! I got a transfer to a much smaller store where i am able to do both stokroom and shop floor! If you would like to work only in the stockrooma bigger store will have more stockroom opportunitys and will also have the seperate departments!
when i had my interview we were all under the assumption that we would be on the shop floor, but on our induction she went round and told us that some would be stock room and some would be sales and service, i.e on the shop floor. im luckily on the shop floor working in the stock room is hot and hard work plus very boring indeed!
Reply 9
Original post by elliotwigfall
I worked at a big river island store and they had their seperate teams! I was in the stockroom team! It wasnt what i was expecting and i didnt enjoy it! I rather be on the shop floor! I got a transfer to a much smaller store where i am able to do both stokroom and shop floor! If you would like to work only in the stockrooma bigger store will have more stockroom opportunitys and will also have the seperate departments!

hi, i've got an interview for river island for the stockroom.
What is required on the job and how does the interview process go, such as the questions etc..
