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I've heard of it. It's a good uni.
Whar are your other UCAS choices/offers?

Goldmsiths as you say is part o f UNIVERSTY OF LONDON.

In 3 or 4 years time when you graduate and finally recieve that degree certificate it will say in University of London special paper

Goldsmiths College

So you do afterall get a degree which is from the UNIVERSITY OF LONDON.

However Imperial, LSE, UCL, SOAS, SOP and QCL are above Goldmsiths.
It still a decent uni, choose it.
Reply 4
I have an offer from them of abb, i thought they were a decent institution but the fact that lots of ppl havent heard of it worries me a little. It's part of the university of London so it cant be that bad, can it? !

Decent but ABB sounds abit high for a Uni that's ranked 50-60 in the league table.
Maybe it's just the course. If you take the computing type courses, they want BCC.
Reply 6
The big + is that you get a UoL degree. Do employers know which UoL college you are from?
I think they will, as the word "Goldsmiths College" will be on the degree certificate. I think employers don't mind which UoL college you went to, as they are all good.
Reply 8
Reply 9
have a gorgeous drama course and department - well i say gorgeous, i mean its better than most. and its a really nice place
Reply 10
I have been accepted by Goldsmiths! It is also my first choice and is a good University which has a growing reputation! It has been voted the 'Coolest' University and being part of the University of London is a good thing! :biggrin:
Reply 11
When someone asked my Media teacher where they should apply to for Media, they immeadiately said Goldsmiths, so it must be decent.
Reply 12
is goldsmiths only for mature students?, i thought it was
Reply 13
is goldsmiths only for mature students?, i thought it was

nah, tis for everyone.
Reply 14
is goldsmiths only for mature students?, i thought it was

birkbeck is the mature college

goldsmiths is *very* good for drama courses in the way that bournemouth is *very* good for media. it is however not great at a lot else. didn't orlando bloom go there?
Why is birkbeck a mature college?
I have an offer from them of abb, i thought they were a decent institution but the fact that lots of ppl havent heard of it worries me a little. It's part of the university of London so it cant be that bad, can it? !

Specifically yes. It has a reputation greater than its ranking in the times table would suggest - its quite well known as a bohemian kind of place. Also as part of the University of London you get a degree recognised the world over.
Reply 17

However Imperial, LSE, UCL, SOAS, SOP and QCL are above Goldmsiths.

So is Royal Holloway! It's above QCL, Kings, SOAS and SOP too, by the way...

Edit: Actually I suppose it's equal to Kings. And it's quite hard to compare it to such a specialised place as SOAS.
So is Royal Holloway! It's above QCL, Kings, SOAS and SOP too, by the way...

Only by times rankings.
Reply 19
So is Royal Holloway! It's above QCL, Kings, SOAS and SOP too, by the way...

Edit: Actually I suppose it's equal to Kings. And it's quite hard to compare it to such a specialised place as SOAS.

Hehe. Someones been reading the Times a bit too much.