I've always wondered (after reading something that said you can't) why, when applying to university, you can't apply to both Oxford and Cambridge. Somebody who has the answer, please tell me?
has anyone seen my post? prospective INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS can apply for BOTH oxford and cambridge to study for an undergraduate, whereas for HOME STUDENTS (us) have to pick ONLY ONE!
Well i spose International students are way less likely to visit etc, so they wouldn't know what they like best..
the one thing i found unfair is that home students (those studying and living in britain) can't apply to both unis, but yet international students (i.e. American students) when applying for undergraduate courses can apply to BOTH! that's an outrage to the people of britian!
has anyone seen my post? prospective INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS can apply for BOTH oxford and cambridge to study for an undergraduate, whereas for HOME STUDENTS (us) have to pick ONLY ONE!
Err... we have to use UCAS also, which only allows for one or the other. Postgraduates, yes.
To answer this question, I think it would be best if I told you about an enlightening conversation I had with a Cambridge Don. You see, I asked him the very same question. He told me it's the very same question that young kids on the playground where I spent most of my days, chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool, all shooting some b-ball outside of the school, when a couple of guys who were up in no good, started making trouble in my neighbourhood; I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air. I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license-plate said fresh and it had a dice in the mirror - if anything I would say that this cab was rare, but I thought "nah, forget it, yo home to Bel Air!" I - pulled - up to the house, about seven or eight, and I yelled to the cabby "yo, home smell ya later." Looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
has anyone seen my post? prospective INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS can apply for BOTH oxford and cambridge to study for an undergraduate, whereas for HOME STUDENTS (us) have to pick ONLY ONE!
You're rather impatient aren't you? Oh, and it does make sense to do that to be honest.
has anyone seen my post? prospective INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS can apply for BOTH oxford and cambridge to study for an undergraduate, whereas for HOME STUDENTS (us) have to pick ONLY ONE!
Hey, no need to be so impatient. Even so, there are probably far fewer international students than home students applying, so it probably makes little difference. And OP, it's probably because they both interview all realistic candidates, so if you could apply to both it'd probably double the number of applicants to both and hence interviews and amount of admin they'd have to do, which would be much more difficult for them to organise - it's probably hard enough for them as it is already.
has anyone seen my post? prospective INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS can apply for BOTH oxford and cambridge to study for an undergraduate, whereas for HOME STUDENTS (us) have to pick ONLY ONE!
What crack are you smoking? We most certainly could not apply to both and had to pick one or the other just like UK applicants.
Spend less time smashing the caps key and more time getting your information straight.
but it's true - and sorry about the caps lock key, i wasn't suppose to do that. i'd just realise after i made my post - sorry. but what i'm saying, it's true.
has anyone seen my post? prospective INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS can apply for BOTH oxford and cambridge to study for an undergraduate, whereas for HOME STUDENTS (us) have to pick ONLY ONE!
No, they can't - unless they have already done their first degree abroad.
but it's true - and sorry about the caps lock key, i wasn't suppose to do that. i'd just realise after i made my post - sorry. but what i'm saying, it's true.
It amazes me that you can still insist it's true after several international applicants have told you that they could not apply to both. At this point I'm pretty sure you're trolling.
i would assume that you aren't allowed to apply to both because when they give out the offers, they know that if people get the grades, they'll be going there. if you could apply to both, they'd have to account for applicants who may reject the offer, of which there would be like, infinitely more!
I don't know the original reason for it, but actually in many respects the courses at oxford and cambridge are often quite different anyway, so hopefully i suppose if you like one, then you'll like the other less (or differently, i s'pose...). E.g. Nat Sci at cam vs straight individual sciences at oxford. Philosophy as a single subject at cam and available only as combined at oxford. And there's a good few other examples i can think of.
lol, OP....if you can't spot the obvious logical problem with people being allowed to apply to both, i don't think you should consider applying to either.