The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I think post offices may change it for you. It will change on a daily basis. Last time I checked 1 euro = 70p I think so £35 is pretty close to the mark but the rate changes.
Reply 2
Are they likely to accept coins? or does anyone know the min value they accept?
Reply 3
and what about the coinstar machines at supermarkets? would they except euros? :s-smilie:
Reply 4
go to marks and spencers

i don't know about coins - ive been told that noone does it
You could try and see if any friends/family are going to the Eurozone in the near future and exchange at a rate that benefits both of you (e.g. the official rate)
Some travel agents (such as Thomas Cook) will take your 1 and 2 euro coins as well as your notes. Don't use the coinstar machines. They're a total rip off.
Yeah marks give you the best deal i believe, or at least my parents always go there when changing euros
Reply 8
banks accept coins :smile:
Reply 9
Be careful though - although banks often do accept coins, some of them will charge you for this service and it's often a fixed charge, which means it's not worth it if you don't have a large number of coins, otherwise you'll lose lots of value. It's also often the case that banks don't like lower-denomination coins, so you might be stuck with them.
(Make sure you check which countries your coins are from before exchanging them - you might have got lucky and have a coin from Monaco or something like that, and you could sell it to a collector as they're very hard to find!)

Also the current central (reference) exchange rate is 1 = £0.79165. You can track the exchange rate at
Since the euro has been increasing in value against the pound recently, you might want to hold on to your euros and change them at some later date?
Furthermore it's normally the case that banks in the eurozone will give you a better exchange rate than British banks (in my experience at least).

(I've been paying for lots of things in the UK with my eurozone debit card due to the very favourable exchange rate recently, and I feel quite smug about it. :biggrin: )
Reply 10
thanks for all the advice guys, I managed to pick up about £37 for my 50euros :wink:

well chuffed
banks accept coins :smile:

The HSBC doesnt.
Me and boyfriend went to change our Euros back to pounds last after our holiday, and the post office didnt take coins so we tried the bank. The woman there suggested we gave then to a charity shop :s-smilie:
Reply 12
try a travel agents.
Reply 13
Came across this thread when I was looking to convert some euro coins to pounds recently. Eventually found a website called Exchange rate was lower than you get for notes at a bank or bureau de change, but they were very up front about that and the service was quick and efficient.