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I've had a reasonably severe case of man boobs since puberty, and since I was picked on so much about them at high school, I've been very self conscious about them ever since (I'm now 23). I started weight lifting a few years ago to rectify the problem, and while I got pretty big and worked my chest out a lot, I couldn't get rid of their puffy and feminine appearance.
It is true that while lifting I never dropped my bodyfat below 15 %. I believed that even if I did drop it, which would cost me muscle, I would still have them and look skinny, so decided to stay at around that size and continue pectoral exercises, but this predictably accentuated them. In the end I thought **** it; I'm always going to have these so I may as well let myself go. So I did, and they got bigger and flabbier (as opposed to mainly glandular tissue).
A few months ago I decided to sort the problem once and for all, since they really diminish my confidence and prohibit me from doing things like taking my shirt off at the beach (I live in a beach oriented town). I am going to have surgery and have them removed. I've been working out using a combination of resistance and cardio routines the past two months and have lost 13% bodyfat and 3 stone. I can get down to the point where I have a six pack and defined muscles and where it's clearly visible that the protrusion is glandular and cannot be fixed by fat loss. If I go and see my GP in this condition, is it at all possible that he can recommend correction on the NHS?