The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Supply to meet demand, I'm sure there won't be a problem :smile:
Reply 2
They have opened schools in places that needed a higher input of pharmacy graduates so you should not have to worry too much. As long as you pass the exams and get an MPharm degree you should be able to find a preregistration placement easily enough - and once you've registered you shouldn't have a problem getting a job.

if you're going to be dead picky about where you want to do your preregistration placement, or where you want to work after your degree then it always helps to get involved with extra curricular pharmacy things, rather than forcing yourself to get a first.
Reply 3
o right fair enough, I was just reading on another forum about how there was now an increase in numbers of pharmacists compared to last year.
Yes I think there is a definite increase. When I was doing my UCAS stuff, it was 100% employment at that time. But I know that each year, there are more pharmacists becoming registered and starting to practice than there are leaving. It can't be 100% now surely?
The only problem i can really envisage is a bottleneck at pre-reg. Post pre-reg, there seems to be a glut about. Especially with 100 hour pharmacies.

As for hospital (where i work), you enter with a salary of ~£27 compared to mid thirties for community, that alone means that hospitals have a really hard time recruiting and keeping pharmacists, especially in non-desirable areas.
Reply 6
so you are in effect saying that it is and will still be 100% unemployment?
not unemplyment lol. 100% chance of getting a job upon graduation? - is that what you mean?
Reply 8
yeah sorry said it the wrong way round haha:p:. Well I heard a pre-reg place is still easy to get..
Should be fine up here in Scotland - there are only two, each of which take on 120-130 students per year. As far as I know there are no plans to open any more pharmacy schools up here so as long as you English lot dont come up here and pinch our jobs then I should be fine for work :biggrin:

(Danielle89 would like to announce that there is no racist implication within this post and Danielle89 does not support racist behaviour in any instance :wink:)
Should be fine up here in Scotland - there are only two, each of which take on 120-130 students per year. As far as I know there are no plans to open any more pharmacy schools up here so as long as you English lot dont come up here and pinch our jobs then I should be fine for work :biggrin:

(Danielle89 would like to announce that there is no racist implication within this post and Danielle89 does not support racist behaviour in any instance :wink:)

Shame i am considering working in Edin' or the local area!

p.s. Racist! :p:
pah, seeing as I have no intention to ever live in Edinburgh (over priced and over-rated IMO) you can have the job :wink:
yay! Thanks!
There will be jobs but in hospital pharmacy this may be more difficult as there will probably be a squeeze on the NHS. I've been working (as a student) in a fantastic place - Northumbria - - learned loads about what people are thinking and everyone reckons less hospital jobs. But we will see!!
There is a MASSIVE shortage of junior grade pharmacists on the NHS and as for pre-reg places - there are more than enough to go around.

I'd be willing to bet this is one career where there will never be too many pharmacists for pharmacy jobs. What probably will happen is the wages will stagnate, but we can hardly complain about this since they are already over inflated for what the pharmacist does.
There is a MASSIVE shortage of junior grade pharmacists on the NHS and as for pre-reg places - there are more than enough to go around.

I'd be willing to bet this is one career where there will never be too many pharmacists for pharmacy jobs. What probably will happen is the wages will stagnate, but we can hardly complain about this since they are already over inflated for what the pharmacist does.

Yeah, isn't there like a 20-30% shortage of band 6 pharmacists? However, many NHS trusts are currently on a recruitment freeze and are simply not opening up potential Band 6 Pharmacist posts.

I know South London is aiming to reduce is preregistration trainee number by 5% each year for the next 3 years. In contrast, east Yorkshire are begging for permanent pharmacists.

Suppose it depends what reason you come from.

However, there are recent changes in the occupational shortage list and the large multiples are ''generally'' decreasing the number of preregistration posts they offer. Couple this with an increase in pharmacy graduates; I really think the next 2-3 years are going to be interesting with regards to competition for prereg and pharmacist roles.

As for the OP's question... I most certainly do not think there are too many pharmacists. More hospital and intermediate care ones are needed!!!
There is a MASSIVE shortage of junior grade pharmacists on the NHS and as for pre-reg places - there are more than enough to go around.

I'd be willing to bet this is one career where there will never be too many pharmacists for pharmacy jobs. What probably will happen is the wages will stagnate, but we can hardly complain about this since they are already over inflated for what the pharmacist does.

I'm sorry, I nearly spat my drink out over my laptop. It looks like you're saying junior grade NHS pharmacists are not doing enough to earn their wages ... I really hope that's not what you meant.