The Student Room Group

Boardworks A-level Biology

Does anyone have the Boardworks biology presentations for both AS and A2. I am really struggling with biology and think that these could help me.

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Reply 1
Original post by student3692
Does anyone have the Boardworks biology presentations for both AS and A2. I am really struggling with biology and think that these could help me.

Please can I also have a copy of biology PowerPoints? I am struggling with it too.
Original post by student3692
Does anyone have the Boardworks biology presentations for both AS and A2. I am really struggling with biology and think that these could help me.

Hey, do you still need them? I've only got the AS ones though.
Original post by PinHaw
Please can I also have a copy of biology PowerPoints? I am struggling with it too.

Hey, do you still need them? I've only got the AS ones though.
Reply 4
Original post by student3692
Hey, do you still need them? I've only got the AS ones though.

can you send them to me? thx
Reply 5
Original post by student3692
Hey, do you still need them? I've only got the AS ones though.

yes please
Could you please share the Boardworks AS Biology presentations with me as well. Many Thanks!!!
Reply 7
Original post by student3692
Hey, do you still need them? I've only got the AS ones though.

Hello, would you also be able to send them to me please? Cant find them anywhere online. Thank you!
Original post by student3692
Hey, do you still need them? I've only got the AS ones though.

Hey do you still have the AS ones
Reply 9
Yes plz i need As biology ones plz
Could you please share the Boardworks AS Biology presentations with me as well. Thanks you so much!!!
Could you please share the Boardworks AS @ A-level Biology presentations with me as well. Thanks you so much!!!
Hello, would you also be able to send them to me please? Cant find them anywhere online. Thank you!
Original post by student3692
Hey, do you still need them? I've only got the AS ones though.
Reply 13
Original post by student3692
Hey, do you still need them? I've only got the AS ones though.

Hello, would you also be able to send them to me please? Cant find them anywhere online. Thank you!
Reply 14
Original post by student3692
Hey, do you still need them? I've only got the AS ones though.
Hey, can you send the boardworks powerpoints to me too please? Thanks
Anyone still needs? I got everything. Will only respond to DMs.
Reply 16
Original post by raging-self
Anyone still needs? I got everything. Will only respond to DMs.

Can I please aswell
Original post by Maleeha_87
Can I please aswell

could you send to me too please
Original post by raging-self
Anyone still needs? I got everything. Will only respond to DMs.

Hi could I get the powepoints as well please, thank you!
Reply 19
Original post by student3692
Hey, do you still need them? I've only got the AS ones though.

Hey can you please send them to me if you still have them. It will be a massive help. I only just managed to find the A2 ones and its giving me a right headache to find them ! Many many thanks!

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