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Hi, I've got myself into a situation which is really bad and I actually don't know what to do right now. Basically there have been a lot of issues in my family this year, and a bereavement and I've sort of been all over the place. I moved schools this year (year 11) and haven't really go on at all well there, and at the same time there have been quite a few problems at home, as I said before.
I've had a crush on my English teacher practically since I first arrived at my new school, and we got on very well- and I started to develop strong feelings for him. Around GCSE time it used to get a bit much for me- what with school and home pressures- and I used to come and see him after school and we'd talk it all through. He was really lovely, and really understanding, perhaps the only person this year who actually cared about what was happening to me. Anyway, one day I ended up kissing him and we had sex-it was my first time- and we have slept together a few times since then. I've left that school now, and I'm going to start another college in September for A-levels, but I can't bear to be apart from him, I mean I really really love him. This is the first time I've ever shared it with anyone else, and I obviously can't talk to my family or any friends at my old school about it. I really don't know what to do. I know he loves me too and he wants us to be together- part of me knows that it's wrong ( though I was over 16) but I can't decide what to do at all. It's really getting me depressed all over again, and though I love him I can't help thinking its all gone a bit too far really. Any advice would be much appreciated.