The Student Room Group

Official Thread for Those with Afro-Hair Only - Ladies and Gents . .

Just curious to know, but what products and methods do you use on your hair? . . . .I keep my hair well moisturised and etc, but I seem to be suffering with a bad dandruff problem and its getting on my wick (nerves), regardless of really scrubbing/washing properly and conditioning it well once a week, followed by a good oiling session. :frown:

If you have any methods that could help - much appreciated.

EDIT: I thought I would make this thread official for those with Afro hair as lots of ideas, products are being suggested and its very helpful. :smile:

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Reply 1
i've never had dandruff so i'm not sure how much i can help you. ...are you black or mixed race?

anyway has every product you could ever need...i'm sure they will have something to combat dandruff!
Reply 2
i've never had dandruff so i'm not sure how much i can help you. ...are you black or mixed race?

anyway has every product you could ever need...i'm sure they will have something to combat dandruff!

I'm black.

I never had this problem before, but lately its like ''salt granules'' when my mum scratches the scalp to get up the dead skin - its gross and also annoying :frown: There is like 2-3days I can go with a parting in my hair before the dandruff starts, after that my hair is in a ponytail.

Thanks for the link - I will go have a look now :smile:

EDIT: You are a ledge - a website that sells reasonbly priced black hair products - thanks :biggrin:
head and shoulders
Reply 4
head and shoulders

It's the best!!
Reply 5
head and shoulders

Tried that and it don't work too well and I find that it literally strips the ''oils'' from my hair.
Reply 6
Mos Def
Do you guys use coconut products or something? Most of my black friends always smell of a distinct strong coco-nutty smell....

Yea cocoa butter to keep the skin moisturised :smile:

Not a pretty site seeing dry, crusty skin - ewwww. lol
Reply 7
Keracare, Keracare and more Keracare.
Reply 8
I need to buy more products, at the moment I use industrial amounts of Pink.
Reply 9
Keracare, Keracare and more Keracare.

I take it you've used it then and it has done wonders for your hair? . . . .
I need to buy more products, at the moment I use industrial amounts of Pink.

ARGH Pink hair oil? . . .that oil use to live on my hair as a kid - to the point now where im sick of the scent lol. lol
Reply 11
Sorry I don't know much about Afro hair, but wouldn't washing it on the 2/3rd day help to combat the dandruff?

Or would that just dry it out more?! Sorry I'm clueless haha
Reply 12
ARGH Pink hair oil? . . .that oil use to live on my hair as a kid - to the point now where im sick of the scent lol. lol

Haha same. I do try and experiment with other stuff, but everything else I've tried seems to do nothing for my hair/make it worse.
i got the same problem :frown: , im brasilian and i got the " afro " hair - when i let it grow it gets real bad :frown: , but at the mo im just keeping it short it sorts it out for a while
Sorry I don't know much about Afro hair, but wouldn't washing it on the 2/3rd day help to combat the dandruff?

Or would that just dry it out more?! Sorry I'm clueless haha

That would just wash out all the ''oils''.

Washing hair everyday from experience for afro hair is the perfect remedy to damage the hair and start breakage of hair. . . .

Thanks for the idea, but i'll pass on that one lol :smile:
I use whatever shampoo/conditioner is on offer, and Pink or Coconut Oil if it's terribly dry or I'm attempting to straighten it.
Reply 16
Mos Def
Do you guys use coconut products or something? Most of my black friends always smell of a distinct strong coco-nutty smell....

lol cocoa butter
Reply 17
I'm black.

I never had this problem before, but lately its like ''salt granules'' when my mum scratches the scalp to get up the dead skin - its gross and also annoying :frown: There is like 2-3days I can go with a parting in my hair before the dandruff starts, after that my hair is in a ponytail.

Thanks for the link - I will go have a look now :smile:

EDIT: You are a ledge - a website that sells reasonbly priced black hair products - thanks :biggrin:

haha no probs...i only discovered that website relatively recently, it has literally EVERYTHING and it's cheap, i love it.

as for keracare...that stuff is good, i used to use it when i had straight hair. nexxus is really good too, though kinda expensive...but it has brought my hair out of a few dodgy stages.
Reply 18
I'm sorry i dont have the hair, but i thought i just had to post anyway :P
Reply 19
T Gel Neutrogena really works but its quite pricey. BUT it left my hair proper dry. Make sure you have a good conditioner and moisturiser.