The Student Room Group

Waterstone's Covering Letter

I am currently in the process of writing a covering letter in order to send to my local Waterstone's branch but I have little idea of what to put.
I have included which position I would like to apply for
Why I am attracted to that position
When I would be able to start work
Some of my qualities

Surely I must put something else, I really would like the opportunity to work at Waterstone's as I love reading lol
Reply 1
You should put that you like reading and maybe a short paragraph about what you have read in the past, or a particular type of book you like reading.

You need to keep it like an essay - have an introduction of you and why you want the job, move onto some information about you, and finish up with a recap/summary of why you would be great for the job.

You need to not ramble, but don't keep it too short - you've got the important ideas, but the main thing to do is get right on it and make the first draft.
Reply 2
Thankyou so much hunni, you've helped alot x
Reply 3
In my view a covering letter isn't where you 'sell yourself' as such. I assume you don't have an application form- in that case make a CV and the covering letter just signifies your intention of applying and which position you are applying to.
I am currently in the process of writing a covering letter in order to send to my local Waterstone's branch but I have little idea of what to put.
I have included which position I would like to apply for
Why I am attracted to that position
When I would be able to start work
Some of my qualities

Surely I must put something else, I really would like the opportunity to work at Waterstone's as I love reading lol


1) what are you applying for, when you can start, full time / part time / weekends, etc. (short para)

2) who you are and what you do - student? what qualifications (e.g. have 6A*s, and 3As or something similar) at X College

3)What you can offer waterstones - understand customers' needs, can deal with customers well, organised, reliable, TEAM PLAYER is important and also interest in reading and good book knowledge - give examples of books read (i was told at my interview that book knowledge is less important than teamwork and customer service as it can be picked up).

4) final summary (brief) of 'give me the job' type

make sure your spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. are faultless as they are so picky with this - they can afford to be as they have so many applicants.

Do you know that you also have to fill in this application form here.

Hand this, your covering letter and also a CV (although they say they don't require one) into your local branch. Ring up and ask the name of the manager and then address the cover letter to this person as that looks good and shows some effort.

Anyway, good luck with it. If you have any questions just ask as I have been through this process only a few weeks ago - started my job last wednesday. (e.g. if you want to know about interview or anything, just ask)

good luck!
Reply 5
Thank you so much for this! I'm currently working on my covering letter for Waterstones so I can apply next year and this is very helpful!!