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Need advice!

Firstly id like to say this does go a little sexual further into the post so please don't read it if it will affend you in anyway, but also please don't delete it because i would really like some advice.

Ok so i started experimenting with my mums clothes when i was around erm... i can't actually remember, i must have been aroun 8 i think. I started off with just simple underwear like Bra's and knickers (which were obviously too big for me then) i then began wearing her skirts and frilly tops and i really really enjoyed it, it felt amazing to be frank.

I kept doing my secret hobbie until i was around 12 without any regrets i mean i was loving it! But when i hit 13 i began feeling a little ashamed of myself but only afterwards while i was dressed as i girl (which i actually did look like a girl alot) i really enjoyed it.
I tried to stop but i just couldn't it felt right, i couldn't not do it now. So i carried on and on going deeper into it. When i was about 14, my friend slept over (a girl) and she had a bag wiht all her clothes in. When she went for a showe i couldn't resist and hid a really cute linen mini skirt and white vest. When she left i began to imediately putting it all on i had gatherd a little make up selection by now and was getting quite skilled at putting it on too (easily at the level of any 15-16 year old girl) I also had a pair of black tights on and some dolly shoes my friend left. I then put this long blonde wig on i convinced my mum to buy for halloween when i wanted to be elf one year, (it was obviously all just a cover up to get the wig) I looked just like a girl a 14 year old girl. Noone was in at my home so i set off outside like had many of times. I even went to the shop and purchased some sweets just because i knew i could ( i had a high voice back then) So anyway when i got back home i went into the bathroom and noticed i had an erection. This was my first experience of having a sexual time with my crossdreessing up till then i'd wished and i could be a girl or just be in a girls body for a day.
From them on i kept getting erections and it felt really good, but every time id finish id feel to ashamed now.
Skip a few years now, and im 18 i have a few obstacles now such as facial hear and leg (which i wax when i can without people noticing) this is where it gets interesting. I wondered if i was gay but im not, i have had many girlfriends and are only attracted to girls. (none of my girlfriends no about this btw) so anyway my current girlfriend of almost 2 years who i love very much is amazing. and i stay at her house alot. I have also worse 99% of her wardrobe and shoes and makeup. I also wear her extenstions when i can. sometimes i stay at hers whilst noones in and i get fully dressed up and then go for a walk in girls clothes of my age and i really enjoy it. last week she was having a shower and she had out a really cute floral semi formal dress which was amazing and i couldnt resist so i tried it on and then she came in the room before i could get it off! so i jumped onto the chair and put covers over me as a last resort. My heart just dropped i knew if she were to move the covers my secret would be out, what would i do how would she take it? would we still be together (i doubt that i mean im abit weird arnt i) so anyway a few close encounters happend where the covers almost got moved but i finnaly got her to leave by telling her i felt sick and she should get me a bowl and then quickly took the dress off and but it back.

I wish i could tell her it would make things so much better to be able to talk about it, but how would she take it. i cant bare to lose her and what if she wants me to dress up in front of her :|. i would rather enjoy having sex with her like it though :wink: but im not too fussed.

Oh btw i still feel i'd rather be a girl than a boy, but i like been a boy too im just so messed up.
whats your thoughts guys?
thankyou for any advice!
Reply 1
Hmmm... this does sound pretty messed up.

My advice, tell your girlfriend. She'll find out eventually and even though she is sure to find it odd (she could find it a turn on :s-smilie:), it's much better than her finding you walking up the street in her clothes as a woman.

As to whether you want to be a boy or a girl, the fact part of you still wants to be a boy, to me, says that this is what you should be. Changing sex is such a major decision - not one to be taken lightly. Just because you enjoy wearing women's clothes and dressing as a woman doesn't mean you want to be one forever. :smile:
Reply 2
This ain't normal tbh. Your girlfriend deserves someone better than someone who will probably steal her knickers. Tell her you wear your mum's underwear and see how she takes it. I know if my boyfriend wore womens' underwear I wouldn't wanna shout it from the rooftop.
Reply 3
Sounds just right out of a erotic story website lol

I think you should talk to someone about this properly and seek advice from people who know what they are talking about although obviously it will be very difficult to talk about your 'hobbie'. Only advice I have.

Personally I feel you should just stop doing it and resist your urges as much as you can and man up and enjoy being a man. But thats not advice just my feelings.

Being a woman aint as good as you think.
Of course there is nothing wrong with what you are doing and you should not feel ashamed in any way, and it really does depend on what sort of a person your girlfriend is. As you can see from some of the above posts, there are lots of ignorant people out there who just wouldn't understand, but at the same time there are many others who wouldn't have a problem with it.

If it's part of who you are, then you really should tell her if you ever want your relationship to move forward and to be truly happy. If she can't accept it then you will see eventually that she is not the girl for you and that you need someone who is more understanding.
Reply 5
I know it sounds really bad, but i have looked into it a little bit and apparently alot of men gay and straight do it.
To reply to the girl telling me to stop, i have tried many of times. Sometimes i last around a month sometimes weeks somtimes only a day.
Its just so hard. It's a adiction i wish i could stop but i jsut cant talk to anyone about it, this is the first time i've ever said anything about it.
Reply 6
Audrey Hepburn
Of course there is nothing wrong with what you are doing and you should not feel ashamed in any way, and it really does depend on what sort of a person your girlfriend is. As you can see from some of the above posts, there are lots of ignorant people out there who just wouldn't understand, but at the same time there are many others who wouldn't have a problem with it.

If it's part of who you are, then you really should tell her if you ever want your relationship to move forward and to be truly happy. If she can't accept it then you will see eventually that she is not the girl for you and that you need someone who is more understanding.

Perfect advice :smile:.
I know it sounds really bad, but i have looked into it a little bit and apparently alot of men gay and straight do it.
To reply to the girl telling me to stop, i have tried many of times. Sometimes i last around a month sometimes weeks somtimes only a day.
Its just so hard. It's a adiction i wish i could stop but i jsut cant talk to anyone about it, this is the first time i've ever said anything about it.

Don't try and change who you are just because some ignorant morons don't like it. People are too quick to judge and dictate what is normal. The truth is that there is no such thing as normal. There is nothing wrong with choosing to dress in clothes that society assigns to the opposite gender. You do not need to stop.

The issue here is that you need to become more thick skinned. If this is the way that you are then you will undoubtedly get abuse from certain people, you need to be able to rise above it because these are the people that are not worth your time.

What you are doing is neither bad nor wrong, it is the people that tell you that it is wrong that are the wrong ones.