I'm in my penultimate year of politics, international relations and spanish

for extra curriculars at uni I've done:
- Concert manager (like band manager) of the uni brass band
- Social Secretary of the Horse Riding Club and Team
- Sponsorship Officer for a Student Conference ran on campus
- I used to do uni-level rowing
- Non-law subcommittee for the Law Society
- Commercial Negotiations - won varsity in my first year and was a judge and on the committee in my 2nd year
- I also work 25-30 hours a week during term time as a waitress at a local restaurant
It's all about showing transferrable skills to be able to answer competency questions so when asked a time I worked in a team/led a team/solved a problem etc. the more extra-curriculars and work you've done, the more real life experiences you have to draw upon.
It deffo does not have to be law related - do what you're passionate about! Brass banding is my LIFE at uni so I use examples from this a lot and because it's a genuine interest this always comes across well in interview and I get feedback saying this