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Reply 1
St Johns - crap bar
Van mildert - just crap in general and too big
Hild bede - miles away

That about sums it up!
EXCUSE ME :biggrin: Why is VM crap?
Reply 3
EXCUSE ME :biggrin: Why is VM crap?

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: I'm just not too keen on it every time i've visited thats all, there isnt anything specfically bad
Aidans (:smile::smile::smile::smile:) Johns (:smile::smile::smile::smile:) Chads (:smile::smile::smile::smile:) Marys (:smile::smile::smile::smile:)
Reply 5
I refuse to name names but I will say that I definitely prefer being on the hill to being on the bailey. Definitely.
Cursed censorhip! All the colleges I listed are smelly. You hear me? Smelly!

There is a special place in hell for Chads Bar.
Reply 7
Uh oh...what's wrong with Chad's bar?
*Hurriedly rethinks Durham application *
I bang my head whenever I try to get in it, its small, it's hot, it smells when there's more than 10 people in there, it's always closed for chads only nights (or is that johns? one of the two) the selection of drinks is slightly lacking and the decoration is mildly disturbing.

Other than that it's not terrible. And on formal nights (twice a week, i think) there tend to be some moderately pissed and fit women. Nowhere to dance though.
Reply 9
hild and bede is miles away!!! noooo.... i applied there without really reading about it which was stupid..any way of changing? Other thank being far away is it good? (are the people fun generally?!?)
Ha, I live twice as far from anywhere as Hilde Bede.

And honestly, I dont think the choice of college makes a great deal of difference in the people who go there (except for hatfield and johns, obv)
Reply 11
Well...depends how you define the worst college...worst bar? unfriendly ppl? there is no such thing of the worst college really...
To bring up some good points about Hild Bede for those who have applied there:

You have a cinema, be proud and if you join the hild bede film soc you can see films for a quid.

You have the only fortnightly rock/emo/punk/ska/metal/some indie night in any Durham college- the fun that is Full Collapse.

Colleges i'm not too keen on are:

Chads- why?
Cuths- their bar is very overrated, okay it's open earlier than most college bars but you can always pop into 24 if it's after 4 and you're on that bit of the bailey.
Marys- it's always unbearably hot in there, they don't have any proper ale in there either
Castle- mainly because of advertising real ale, but then when you get up there not having it- otherwise it's a lovely bar and incredibly cheap coke!

Hatfield bar isn't the best there is, but it's beauty is where we are- in the thick of everything:smile:
Reply 13
Hatfield - because its hatfield.

I agree with socialist_cooks observation about castle bar though... it is increadibly annoying that they never have any ales or bitters on pump, considering thats what i prefer to drink.
Reply 14
hatfield isnt the worst, although u will be hated if u go there. If u go castle tho u are automatically fort of as a rah, which is true for a few, but not everyone. Hatfield is quite nice accom,but the peeps can be nasty... not as gd as castle! Id say avoid Johns, u'll get a rep as a bible basher. If ud prefer a hill college, go for collingwood, its got a gd rep, nice, attractive peeps and amazing food. Im totally biased against van (man) mildert, my least fave, they have a rep 4 being a bit aggressive, esp in sport, and the symbol of the swords sums them up really. Still, sum fresher i pulled at hound came from there, wanted me to go to his room the next day, had a huge hangover so didnt. Cuths, well, i think thats the one with the bad accom isnt it? where u pay loads and have to live out? Either that or chads...they blend in really! Hild Bede I love, peeps are great and they have gd basketball court, tho it does look like a primary school. Grey and aidans dont really have much of an identity, not in a bad way, tho isnt aidans the one with all the steps?

Van mildert im going for, ll never get over the armpit hair.
Reply 15
Collingwood is the worst. They are lazy, slow bastards and need to give me an offer NOW. Argh, I am so unbelievably flipping... I applied in September, and the other person who applied then has had an offer more than a month... People are going to get blown up if they dont smarten up.
Reply 16
Collingwood is the worst. They are lazy, slow bastards and need to give me an offer NOW. Argh, I am so unbelievably flipping... I applied in September, and the other person who applied then has had an offer more than a month... People are going to get blown up if they dont smarten up.

What have you applied for Robbie?
Reply 18
Natural Sciences... Funny thing is all my other unis got back to me real quick, especially Warwick... who I was told stalled on potential Oxbridge candidates. Obviously whoever told me that same MYTH about Durham was including more truth than I cared to believe.

It is a depressing reality, and I want to go and kick that college into the freaking river and burn its bricks to ashes... I am such an angry person, and id obviously never do any of this... but in my head that place is sinking already! :secruity:
Reply 19
Natural Sciences... Funny thing is all my other unis got back to me real quick, especially Warwick... who I was told stalled on potential Oxbridge candidates. Obviously whoever told me that same MYTH about Durham was including more truth than I cared to believe.

It is a depressing reality, and I want to go and kick that college into the freaking river and burn its bricks to ashes... I am such an angry person, and id obviously never do any of this... but in my head that place is sinking already! :secruity:

Lol, ok....Calm yourself! Contrary to popular belief it is still really early to be getting offers. This time last yr, I only had 3! And most people in my year applying to Durham were left waiting till Feb / March time! Now you sound like a really good candidate, esp if your Oxbridge and Warwick material! [If u get interviewed then I would keep quiet about the whole burning of Collingwood, I don't think they usually give places to wannabe arsonists! ;-)]

But have u been accepted by department yet? Which stage is your application at? Remember no news is good news! Most of the people that have heard by now that I know have been rejected! I have just reread what I have written and this is all so patronising but true! I do really feel your pain tho, Durham left my hanging till May (but I hasten to add this is really unusual and the admissions dept said it was coz I was deferred entry and they don't even look at u till they have next yr sorted!)

But, good luck mate. It sounds cheesy but I think Durhams worth the wait! Will look forward to seeing u there next yr! (If u don't screw us over for Oxbridge! How did ur interview for that go btw? Had it yet?)