The Student Room Group

If you fail your year at uni, what next?

In some unis, failure of the year will mean you need to restart the whole year again. In other unis, the failure will mean that they just want to get rid of you, which means expelling you completely with no chance to resit the whole year and you're not allowed to enrol again in your lifetime at that uni.

But what happens next?

Could you apply to another uni? Would the fact that you failed a year at another uni put them off taking you on? Would you have to apply through UCAS again?
Reply 1
I've not known anybody to be "kicked out". Guess its possible though if you fail that bad.


1)Re do the same year. (if allowed)

2)ask to be transfered to a different couse at the same uni.

3)re apply to a differnet uni. (in which case you wouldn't have to declare that you have failed at another uni, although I'm not sure if they would have it on their records)

I beleive you could apply through ucas or direct.
Reply 2
Depends on what course you are doing. Vet students get a chance to repeat a year, but get kicked out if they fail that. Probably the same with most courses.
I think if you have a valid reason for why you failed they wouldn't just boot you out.

If for example you was having housing problems or money issues beyond your control they may say you can retake the year but I am not sure. Don't know anyone that has been booted out. I know someone that has left because the course was to hard.
My brother had to retake a year, hopefully I don't get to that stage.
Reply 5
Yes you would have to apply through UCAS again if they kicked you out. You are not banned from applying to anywhere, so essentially you will be in the same situation as when you applied the first time around. When you reapply, you will have to detail on your application that you have studied for a year at a university, so you'll have to have a pretty good excuse. It's worth emailing a university beforehand about your application before you apply to them.
Reply 6
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
In some unis, failure of the year will mean you need to restart the whole year again. In other unis, the failure will mean that they just want to get rid of you, which means expelling you completely with no chance to resit the whole year and you're not allowed to enrol again in your lifetime at that uni.

But what happens next?

Could you apply to another uni? Would the fact that you failed a year at another uni put them off taking you on? Would you have to apply through UCAS again?

It's pretty hard to get kicked out of uni - they want you to stay. You generally either have to repeat the year or retake the modules you failed (receiving a capped grade). I've never heard of anyone being banned from reapplying to that uni.

If you have some passes you will be able to transfer credits to a new uni. If you're restarting you will do UCAS again.
From my experience, people who fail there first year exams can take resists in summer - ithose who fail them (<35%) can't continue the course

Slightly more complicated issue with science courses also;

''Candidates who fail to achieve 35% at the end of first year examinations who have achieved a satisfactory standard in laboratory tests may, if they wish, take further tests in the Summer vacation. Candidates who fail to achieve a satisfactory standard in laboratory tests are not allowed to resit examinations. A satisfactory performance in the laboratory is considered to be an average of 35% and regular attendance in the classes. It is a University requirement that students must achieve a laboratory mark of 35% to be permitted to proceed to the second year.''
Reply 8
Hi I failed the first year of my course, I cant say I'm glad but thinking about it, it wasn't the right place for me. I did like the course but i couldn't help but feel isolated and alone.

I'm not going back on the course as i want to be at a uni much closer to home. I was just wondering that because i failed my first year, will this stop me from being able to apply for a similar course at a different uni. And also do i need to tell my possible future uni about my failed course? Please help I'm confused about what i need to do >__<...
Reply 9
Does anyone know the procedure if you want to drop out of uni after the first year?
I just failed my first year at uni (:frown:) -
And basically I have 2 choices..

Either restart the year, or be classed as a 'non-attending student' and resit my failed module early next year and then move on to second year.

I imagine it is different at different unis, but I think thats a common situation ? Lots of luck anyway. x