I realize its nuts. It's completely nuts. But I'm a rising senior IB student with a solid background in politics. I would love to apply to PPE but I don't quite completely understand how the application process in the UK works yet, much less for Oxford.
Does anyone have any sense of what it takes to get into Oxford for an American?
I have very good test scores on nearly everything (SAT, ACT & AP), though I won't take my IB tests until the end of this year. If anyone could help me, in any way, I would greatly appreciate it.
I understand I have to take something called the TSA to apply for PPE? Is this the sort of thing you have to study for?
You must understand that my knowledge of applying to Oxford is limited to what I've read on this forum, the Oxford website and watching History Boys. I'm not stupid, just bad at figuring out what I need to do.
Please don't rip me a new one for being a totally n00b and starting a whole new thread for this. Much appreciated.