The Student Room Group

Applying to UCL with a 4 in GCSE maths

Hi, I'm thinking of applying to UCL for BA English this year.

The minimum requirement across all degrees are a Grade 5 in Maths, however I have a 4. I meet the requirements for a contextual offer (young carer) and UCL said my application is "likely to be considered, but may be less competitive" but I am wondering if it is actually worth applying - or if that just means they'll look at my application, but it's very, very likely to be rejected. I don't want to waste 1 of my 5 options on a chance like that. So, realistically, do I actually have a chance of an actual offer, or is that a polite 'thank you, but no thank you.' UCL do interview and have admissions tests for English also.

(My other GCSE grades are fine - 7's/8's/9's, and my A-Level predictions are above the minimum required AAA)
If I was you, I would contact the uni if they would be lenient on that 5 in GCSE maths or if you would just get rejected
Reply 2
Apply, it's only 1/5 choices -- if you have a valid reason for that 4, do explain in the contextual form or reference.
Original post by JJ112
Apply, it's only 1/5 choices -- if you have a valid reason for that 4, do explain in the contextual form or reference.

I don’t think UCL have a contextual form, like Cambridge have an extenuating circumstances form.
did you end up getting an offer? facing the same dilemma rn.
Original post by kaxxxxc2
did you end up getting an offer? facing the same dilemma rn.

Please stop bumping old threads.
Original post by artful_lounger
Please stop bumping old threads.

Sorry, I didn’t look at how old they were.