Right, so after three months on un-successful job hunting, and I mean handing out CV's every day, subscribing to about 50 job sites, I finally got invited to two interviews last week. Thursday was at Explore Learning, a tuition place near me, interview went well I though. Friday was a group interview at John Lewis, thought it went okay/so-so. Both said they'd be in touch this week.
Monday I received an e-mail from John Lewis, saying I got the job, and this morning from EL also saying I got the job. I have put both on hold, said to confirm by latest Friday.
But I don't know which one to take! Keep in mind, I do private tuition now, earning between £10-30 a week, which isn't enough to support me slowly learning to drive!
So, Explore Learning: offered me to start, 2/3 shifts a week, each shift being four hours. They said 2 on weekdays and one on a weekend, though possibility to increase during term time. The pay is £5 an hour, said it may increase after 3 months depending on how you do etc, so £60 a week. It's a painful bus to get from where I live, as its irregular, but takes about 25mins then. Would be about 30-35mins from my sixth form.
It's mentally stimulating work, in the field that I have experience in, it's working with kids which I enjoy, and the environment is fun and I got the feel that you have to be 'wow, that's great, good job'-ish all the time. They offered me to start on the 26th August.
It's basically what I already do, the pay isn't great (some people I tutor I get 8 per hr), and I have a weekly appointment around 4pm that I'd need to fit in. The two shifts after school would be till 8pm, meaning I'd be pretty tired after sixth form, and not be able to study much two nights, but could be done by 2pm on Sat, if I do the morning shift.
John Lewis: offered me to start on the 13th september, working in the gifts and stationery department as a selling assistant on Saturday 9am-6pm and Sunday 11am-5pm. They pay £6.15 an hour, working 13hours 45mins a week, so around £80 a week. The job is a christmas temp, so finished the 24th December, and if you've performed well/they like you/need people, may become permanent afterwards. It's a two bus journey from where I live, taking about an hour, so would have to leave at around 7.45am on Sat morning, which is pretty early for me. They haven't mentioned anything about overtime, and say that you get a 12% discount after three months of working there, and subsidized food in the cafe etc.
It's a un-mentally challenging job, but a really sophisticated well-known retail store, so would give me good retail experience for when I need a job at Uni next september. The dress code is a suit, so roughly what I must wear to sixth form, so should be do-able, but they're pretty strict about shoes/jewellery/colours.
The hours means it uses up all my weekend, and I'm guessing I'd be pretty tired so homework/coursework/revision would have to be on weekdays, and seeing friends would be out during the day. Is a bit of a commute, and would leave me job-less in a few months (but exams in jan, so may not be all bad).
So, I honestly can't think which job to take! I suppose its slightly subject to result tomorrow, as if I've done awfully then I need to devote my life to improving my grades, but I need the money to fund learning to drive/clothes/etc. Advice would be really appreciated, thankyou!