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Explore Learning VS John Lewis - help please!

Right, so after three months on un-successful job hunting, and I mean handing out CV's every day, subscribing to about 50 job sites, I finally got invited to two interviews last week. Thursday was at Explore Learning, a tuition place near me, interview went well I though. Friday was a group interview at John Lewis, thought it went okay/so-so. Both said they'd be in touch this week.
Monday I received an e-mail from John Lewis, saying I got the job, and this morning from EL also saying I got the job. I have put both on hold, said to confirm by latest Friday.
But I don't know which one to take! Keep in mind, I do private tuition now, earning between £10-30 a week, which isn't enough to support me slowly learning to drive!

So, Explore Learning: offered me to start, 2/3 shifts a week, each shift being four hours. They said 2 on weekdays and one on a weekend, though possibility to increase during term time. The pay is £5 an hour, said it may increase after 3 months depending on how you do etc, so £60 a week. It's a painful bus to get from where I live, as its irregular, but takes about 25mins then. Would be about 30-35mins from my sixth form.
It's mentally stimulating work, in the field that I have experience in, it's working with kids which I enjoy, and the environment is fun and I got the feel that you have to be 'wow, that's great, good job'-ish all the time. They offered me to start on the 26th August.
It's basically what I already do, the pay isn't great (some people I tutor I get 8 per hr), and I have a weekly appointment around 4pm that I'd need to fit in. The two shifts after school would be till 8pm, meaning I'd be pretty tired after sixth form, and not be able to study much two nights, but could be done by 2pm on Sat, if I do the morning shift.

John Lewis: offered me to start on the 13th september, working in the gifts and stationery department as a selling assistant on Saturday 9am-6pm and Sunday 11am-5pm. They pay £6.15 an hour, working 13hours 45mins a week, so around £80 a week. The job is a christmas temp, so finished the 24th December, and if you've performed well/they like you/need people, may become permanent afterwards. It's a two bus journey from where I live, taking about an hour, so would have to leave at around 7.45am on Sat morning, which is pretty early for me. They haven't mentioned anything about overtime, and say that you get a 12% discount after three months of working there, and subsidized food in the cafe etc.
It's a un-mentally challenging job, but a really sophisticated well-known retail store, so would give me good retail experience for when I need a job at Uni next september. The dress code is a suit, so roughly what I must wear to sixth form, so should be do-able, but they're pretty strict about shoes/jewellery/colours.
The hours means it uses up all my weekend, and I'm guessing I'd be pretty tired so homework/coursework/revision would have to be on weekdays, and seeing friends would be out during the day. Is a bit of a commute, and would leave me job-less in a few months (but exams in jan, so may not be all bad).

So, I honestly can't think which job to take! I suppose its slightly subject to result tomorrow, as if I've done awfully then I need to devote my life to improving my grades, but I need the money to fund learning to drive/clothes/etc. Advice would be really appreciated, thankyou!

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I can only speak on behalf of Explore Learning.

Points I would consider:

Shifts are extremely flexible. You'll find that because you're in a team of about 12-15 people (normally), you all get to know each other, have each others mobile and I used to be able to get a shift covered that started at 10am when I text everyone at 2am that morning. xD Because of this, there is usually overtime going to pick up as well.

Pay rises; Pay is reviewed at each appraisal. Appraisals are after 3 months, and then every year. My pay went up every year.

Holidays - You are paid your holiday pay each week in your pay - The amount that you get per year is calculated, divided by 12 and paid in bites. THis does mean that you can take holiday whenever. I don't know how your centre will work holiday booking, but we had a book we wrote required dates in (the notice period was "It has to be in by the time the next months rotas are published, else you need to get it covered") and usually got. They didn't seem to keep track of how much holiday you took. :p:

Variety - Not only do you go from teaching English to a 5 year old up to teaching maths to a 14 year old in the space of 4 paces, but older/experienced tutors are trained to be Compares, which means you'll see kids in and out, talk to parents, go through session notes, etc etc. Also, you're likely to be invited out to marketing sessions playing games with kids in shopping centres etc.

Yes, it is hard work. Yes, it is exhausting, particularly when you're jumping around going "Hey, that's great!" at 8 o clock when you wish you were sat down with your head in your hands saying "Why can't you do it yourself?!". But, it is a fantastic job. I regret leaving, if I'm honest. There is, in my opinion, no better student job. Ever.
Reply 2
I worked in stationery at John Lewis as a Xmas temp, and its the worst job I've ever had. Seriously - don't do it! There are so many reasons why, but you will also come home covered in paper cuts every night and asking every single person if they want their wrapping paper 'rolled or folded' will drive you crazy after about an hour.
Hey sorry this isnt really a solution to your problem but I'm curious about what experience you need for Explore Learning. Theres one in a Sainsburys near me and I was thinking about applying for the part-time position but don't really have any experience working with children. The only work experience I have is all shop stuff and I'm only just turning 16 this summer (would apply for start of next term) but I'm expecting good GCSEs and I think I've got the patience and enthusiasm to do well in it. Just not sure if I'm underqualified.

The only thing we asked for at Peterborough was Maths and English at B or above.

The rest was ALL done on interview and references
Reply 4
I worked in stationery at John Lewis as a Xmas temp, and its the worst job I've ever had. Seriously - don't do it! There are so many reasons why, but you will also come home covered in paper cuts every night and asking every single person if they want their wrapping paper 'rolled or folded' will drive you crazy after about an hour.

Is it really that bad? And do they tend to hire people after the Xmas period?
Reply 5
Thanks for the advice everyone, currently I'm leaning towards EL because I by some miracle got AAAC (one mark off a B) but general whooo in my AS's I'm thinking that last year I either did work late in the evenings or saturday afternoon's/sundays, and if I'm at work all weekend, it wont leave me much time to focus on my studies. Was thinking to ring them and ask them to say I can only do one day, but not sure what they'd say. Any ideas?

Spotty Dog - do you mind me asking how much the pay can rise to? I'm thinking if I can get a shift on weekdays. I finish sixth form early, ie Wed and Fri, and then cut down around exam time if necessary it would probably be pretty good. I'll double check with the holidays/shifts tomorrow, when I give them a call to confirm, hopefully.

Thanks again :smile:
Thanks for the advice everyone, currently I'm leaning towards EL because I by some miracle got AAAC (one mark off a B) but general whooo in my AS's I'm thinking that last year I either did work late in the evenings or saturday afternoon's/sundays, and if I'm at work all weekend, it wont leave me much time to focus on my studies. Was thinking to ring them and ask them to say I can only do one day, but not sure what they'd say. Any ideas?

Spotty Dog - do you mind me asking how much the pay can rise to? I'm thinking if I can get a shift on weekdays. I finish sixth form early, ie Wed and Fri, and then cut down around exam time if necessary it would probably be pretty good. I'll double check with the holidays/shifts tomorrow, when I give them a call to confirm, hopefully.

Thanks again :smile:

I will warn you, Explore do like their staff to do one evening + one weekend minimum. I have known them to be flexible for the right candidate, but equally I have known them to turn down candidates who can't do this.

I started on £4.50 and rose to £5.60 over three years.
Reply 7
No it isnt that bad- its worse. And you are in 100% the worst department to be in at Christmas. They didnt ask any of us to stay on, and i know one person wanted to. Sorry I cant really be a lot of help!
Reply 8
Right, I rang John Lewis and they offered me the beauty department, Friday late night 5.30-8.10pm and all of Sunday.
EL proceeded to ring me just after I hung up the phone with a tiz I rejected the call.

Rang them back 10mins later and took the job, and she also mentioned to me that someone was looking for private tuition and she thought of me and gave me their number.

Did I take the right job? I'm so confused. Maybe the JL would've been better as its more pay/fewer hours but I dunno.....
Explore Learning give only £5 an hour?! I've got an interveiw with them at the Leamington Spa branch in a couple of weeks. I worked in school and got paid £6.95 just for supervising some kids at lunchtime, I wasn't even teaching them! I'm a bit worried they expect so many shifts too, I don't want more than one a week as I'm doing a tough degree..and I don't want to work too late as the centre is a 30min walk away from my uni house and I'd be scared to do that in the dark...
Explore Learning give only £5 an hour?! I've got an interveiw with them at the Leamington Spa branch in a couple of weeks. I worked in school and got paid £6.95 just for supervising some kids at lunchtime, I wasn't even teaching them! I'm a bit worried they expect so many shifts too, I don't want more than one a week as I'm doing a tough degree..and I don't want to work too late as the centre is a 30min walk away from my uni house and I'd be scared to do that in the dark...

You might have problems then - I don't know what the staff numbers are like as Lemmy. But most staff are asked to work 1 evening + 1 weekend. Extram shifts are available but cover is easy.

The latest you'll work is 8pm on a weekday or 6pm on a weekend.

For the record, Explore Learning doesn't teach, it tutors. There is a defined difference. In theory, what we 'teach' on our systems shouldn't be any different than what the pupils are doing in their classes. We back up this knowledge and start to create sure-footed, confident learners who are eager to learn. Any new concepts are almost all taught by the computer, and your role is simply supporting the knowledge. THere is no face-to-face class-based teaching. You might be teaching new concepts on a one-on-one basis, but it's just really to reinforce what they're learning on the computers.
Spotty Dog
You might have problems then - I don't know what the staff numbers are like as Lemmy. But most staff are asked to work 1 evening + 1 weekend. Extram shifts are available but cover is easy.

The latest you'll work is 8pm on a weekday or 6pm on a weekend.

For the record, Explore Learning doesn't teach, it tutors. There is a defined difference. In theory, what we 'teach' on our systems shouldn't be any different than what the pupils are doing in their classes. We back up this knowledge and start to create sure-footed, confident learners who are eager to learn. Any new concepts are almost all taught by the computer, and your role is simply supporting the knowledge. THere is no face-to-face class-based teaching. You might be teaching new concepts on a one-on-one basis, but it's just really to reinforce what they're learning on the computers.

Thanks, I think I might run into problems with them. I think I'll phone before I have to go for interview, there is no point having it if the job isn't right for me.

PS Luckily I wrote "tutor" not "teach" all over my cover letter and CV. :smile:
Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I have just got a job working in a new Explore Learning centre as a tutor and was wondering if anyone else is just starting or has worked there before and what they thought!

So far I've had two training sessions (not training as such, just going through the computer programmes, filling in forms etc!) and the managers I've met so far all seem lovely - I'm really looking forward to starting, but then I'm also very nervous because my maths skills aren't that great and I'm dreading being asked to help a child with something I can't do myself :s As this centre is new at the moment we only have about 20 kids registered so shouldn't bee too busy to start with,but need to practice my long division in the mean time!!!
Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I have just got a job working in a new Explore Learning centre as a tutor and was wondering if anyone else is just starting or has worked there before and what they thought!

So far I've had two training sessions (not training as such, just going through the computer programmes, filling in forms etc!) and the managers I've met so far all seem lovely - I'm really looking forward to starting, but then I'm also very nervous because my maths skills aren't that great and I'm dreading being asked to help a child with something I can't do myself :s As this centre is new at the moment we only have about 20 kids registered so shouldn't bee too busy to start with,but need to practice my long division in the mean time!!!

What centre are you at? :smile:

Long division you will very quickly get to know, and you'll be doing it in your sleep - I know I was after 3 years. Just follow a really simple formula - Divide, multiply, subtract, start again. The biggys that I found difficult were dividing and multiplying horizontal sums with decimels.

I worked for Explore in Peterborough for 3 years - I promise you, if you throw yourself into the job, it's the best job you'll ever have.

No tutor is expected to know everything all of the time - Be prepared to "tag team" and swap your zone with a tutor who does know to answer a question, then swap back! Anything you find difficult, let your manager know and (s)he will set up a course on the computers for you for you to practise it.

Enjoy your time at Explore - I know I did, and given the chance I'd do it all again!
I'm going to be working at Bedford, the new centre is opening on Wednesday but I probably won't start until the week after. I'm really looking forward to it now :smile:
I'm going to be working at Bedford, the new centre is opening on Wednesday but I probably won't start until the week after. I'm really looking forward to it now :smile:

You should do! Just make sure you enjoy it - If you go in in a bad mood and not expecting to enjoy yourself, everyone will suffer. Throw yourself into your work and it'll be fantastic.
I have my final training session tomorrow morning 9-10, then I got a phonecall yesterday asking if I could work 10-2 straight after and I'm also working 2-6 on Fri :smile:

One thing I'm a bit dubious about now though is in January I will be on school placement for uni for 8 weeks and won't be able to work at all - do you think this will pose a problem because I have to work a set amount of shifts or will I have to do extra when I come back?
Hi guys,

I know this thread is nearly 4 years old but i've got an interview this week with explore learning for a part time tutor role and was hoping someone could give me advice or some idea as to what i should expect in the 1 hour 30 min interview! :O

what kind of things should i say? HELP! i really want this job :biggrin: x
Original post by TanishaBellum
Hi guys,

I know this thread is nearly 4 years old but i've got an interview this week with explore learning for a part time tutor role and was hoping someone could give me advice or some idea as to what i should expect in the 1 hour 30 min interview! :O

what kind of things should i say? HELP! i really want this job :biggrin: x

seriously, what is there to neg rep me about!? :confused:
Hey guys, I know this is an old thread, but at this moment, does anyone know how much Explore Learning pay? Thanks