The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Good point

I was thinking the same in a different Qs..
Would it be wrong if the population has voted that lets say...gays should be punished thus the government doing what they say as it is based upon democracy????!!!!!
Reply 2
an established democracy has a constitution which ought to protect the rights of its individual citizens, so fascists shouldnt be able to gain power.
Reply 3
Good point

I was thinking the same in a different Qs..
Would it be wrong if the population has voted that lets say...gays should be punished thus the government doing what they say as it is based upon democracy????!!!!!

That would be so wrong! That's my opinion anyway.
Reply 4
an established democracy has a constitution which ought to protect the rights of its individual citizens, so fascists shouldnt be able to gain power.

then it isnt a true democracy in a sense that it does what the people want... if the people want to be controlled by their government then it would be democratically acceptable (democratic of them to vote out democracy, that is)
Reply 5
Not if they were forced/influenced to vote for the facisits..
Reply 6
Julia O.
then it isnt a true democracy in a sense that it does what the people want... if the people want to be controlled by their government then it would be democratically acceptable (democratic of them to vote out democracy, that is)

But what is true democracy??

We only have a limited amount of democracy in this country - we only elect a few of the most powerful ppl - we don't have elections for top civil service positions or anything like that. Direct (Athenian) democracy is completely impractical.
