The Student Room Group
Reply 1
As far as I can remember there is a bathroom with a shower in it. And one or two per flat, depending on the number of people. No more than 4 to a shower. Unless you get kinky.
Reply 2
Oh right so its like a small room with shower bath whatever then a normal lockable door?
Reply 3
Yeah. I think. I didn't live there but stayed over a few times.
And they get cleaned by cleaners I think. As loong as you don't mess them up too much.
Reply 4
I dread to think how you can mess up a shower to the extent someone paid to clean it wouldnt....
Reply 5
It's usually the kitchen that cleaners eventually refuse to clean - some people can be a bit messy...

Showers per flat vary from 2-4, depending on what building you're in. Some buildings have a bath too. The toilets are in separate rooms.

I was in a flat of 12 that had 2 showers and I only had to wait once or twice. I then moved to a 4 person flat and it also had 2 showers! (No cleaners in the small flats though.)

This year I'm living in a flat that has 3 toilets for 3 people. :rolleyes: (and 2 showers and a huge living room. :biggrin:)
Kinda dumb question but what are the showers and toilets like?
Are they like cubicals with curtains/doors?
How many are there per flat?

The 12 person flats are long corridors with rooms coming off them with the kitchen in the middle opposite the front door.
In each flat you'll have:
- one big bathroom somewhere in the middle of the corridor with a toilet, sink and bath
- at each end you'll have a toilet and sink in one room, and next door a shower room with a curtain.

So basically, between 12 people you'll have 2 showers and 3 toilets, as well as a sink in each bedroom.
It might not sound like much, but we never had a situation where people were queuing to use them, so you'll be fine (the showers we had were actually really good)
Reply 7
Yeah so weve now confirmed that there are indeed showers :P

But like I said is it like one shower per room with a lockable door?
Or one room containing several showers but with curtains around them or something?
Yeah so weve now confirmed that there are indeed showers :P

But like I said is it like one shower per room with a lockable door?
Or one room containing several showers but with curtains around them or something?

All showers and toilets are in their own lockable rooms.
Reply 9
One shower per room.
If you're stuck you can have showers in the QM Union. I walked past Tegan of Tegan and Sara on my way into the shower. It was hot.

ok im jealous.

I love tegan and sara :frown:
Reply 10
All showers and toilets are in their own lockable rooms.

We are all joking of course. All 12 of you must huddle under a cold tap between 5:32 and 5:34 every morning.
lol.. yeah.. I had two showers in my flat.. although one was bigger than the other for some reason.. yet most of us used the small shower.. was weird thinking back on it..

anyway.. yes.. they all are lockable rooms.. except our building had the lights to the shower outside the room itself.. so i lost count how many times i was in the shower and the lights went out because my flat mates were bored :smile: :woo:
lol.. yeah.. I had two showers in my flat.. although one was bigger than the other for some reason.. yet most of us used the small shower.. was weird thinking back on it..

anyway.. yes.. they all are lockable rooms.. except our building had the lights to the shower outside the room itself.. so i lost count how many times i was in the shower and the lights went out because my flat mates were bored :smile: :woo:

We had that as well. The smaller one was much better in ours though (and right next to my room) - the big one's drain was crap and you'd always end up with your feet underwater :p:

Can't complain about the rooms (best views of any halls of residence in the country if you're lucky and get a top floor south facing flat), although the kitchens were crud small for a dozen people. If there's more than 4 of you trying to cook you're buggered.
Reply 13
If there's more than 4 of you trying to cook you're buggered.

Also leave slippers and a dressing gown next to your bed every night so you can put them on before going outside for the 7 millionth fire alarm that week.
Can't complain about the rooms (best views of any halls of residence in the country if you're lucky and get a top floor south facing flat), although the kitchens were crud small for a dozen people. If there's more than 4 of you trying to cook you're buggered.

And fridge space! 2 tiny fridges are not enough for 12 people!
Also leave slippers and a dressing gown next to your bed every night so you can put them on before going outside for the 7 millionth fire alarm that week.

We were OK for most of the year, but one night the alarms went haywire and we ended up spending more of the night outside than inside. Good times :p:
Reply 16
Lol you guys. :P Youre making murano sound the dream......

If someone sets off an alarm in your building but not in your flat does everyone still have to get evacuated?
Also is it if an alarm gets set off in Murano but not in your building do you still have to evacuate?
Reply 17
Lol you guys. :P Youre making murano sound the dream......

If someone sets off an alarm in your building but not in your flat does everyone still have to get evacuated?
Also is it if an alarm gets set off in Murano but not in your building do you still have to evacuate?

I think.
All buildings that are connected need to be evacuated.

Also there are trolls under the bridge. And not the forum kind...
It's not the entire building, thankfully!

Each building is divided into 3 or 4 blocks and it's only that section that gets evacuated. Each block is only one flat wide.

It seems odd though as the flats on either side are more likely to catch fire than one 2 floors below.