That's awful..I couldn't live with the knowledge that I'd killed someone with my car. He'll have to live with the guilt that he took a man away from his wife and kids..
That's awful..I couldn't live with the knowledge that I'd killed someone with my car. He'll have to live with the guilt that he took a man away from his wife and kids..
Hey hey hey...we don't know anything about what happened in this crash. This could equally have been the fault of the victim as it was of the driver.
Personally I feel that this is his career over with. He was hardly a proper "star" and I don't think that any advertising work will come his way after this unless it was something like the guy got pushed out into the road.
Personally I feel that this is his career over with. He was hardly a proper "star" and I don't think that any advertising work will come his way after this unless it was something like the guy got pushed out into the road.
That's a little bit harsh. Come on people, be fair.
Accident's happen - there are plenty of facts that we don't know about what happened - it's totally unfair to lay the blame soley on the driver. I knocked a cyclist off his bike once, thankfully he wasn't hurt, but it was just as much his fault as it was mine. St like this happens everyday, all over the country. Just because he was in some reality programme, he doesn't deserve any more cp then anyone else in this situation.
Believe me, after I just knocked a guy to the ground and all the suffered was a scraped knee, I felt absolutely awful. I can't imagine what it must be like having the fact that you've caused another person to die on your mind.
Sympathies to both Alex and the pedestrian's family.
That's a little bit harsh. Come on people, be fair.
Accident's happen - there are plenty of facts that we don't know about what happened - it's totally unfair to lay the blame soley on the driver. I knocked a cyclist off his bike once, thankfully he wasn't hurt, but it was just as much his fault as it was mine. St like this happens everyday, all over the country. Just because he was in some reality programme, he doesn't deserve any more cp then anyone else in this situation.
Believe me, after I just knocked a guy to the ground and all the suffered was a scraped knee, I felt absolutely awful. I can't imagine what it must be like having the fact that you've caused another person to die on your mind.
Sympathies to both Alex and the pedestrian's family.
Sympathies to the victims family first. Alex will live on this guy will never come back. I'm sorry for alex though he is a jerk but I have sympathies for the guys family first and foremost.
Sympathies to the victims family first. Alex will live on this guy will never come back. I'm sorry for alex though he is a jerk but I have sympathies for the guys family first and foremost.
Agreed - but Alex will have a massive thing to deal with too... believe me it'll never leave him if he's got even the slightest conscious (sp?) imagine having on your mind that you're the reason someone isn't living anymore - the family, although it'll be awful for them - specially at this time of the year - can have each other for support, they can grieve, they can move on eventually.... Alex will forever know that he caused someone to die, it'll be at the back of his mind forever.
And why's he a jerk? this annoys me - because he was on a reality show 2 years ago?! does that mean that he's not allowed to make one mistake and isn't allowed sympathy for that mistake?
Personally I feel that this is his career over with. He was hardly a proper "star" and I don't think that any advertising work will come his way after this unless it was something like the guy got pushed out into the road.
I'd never even heard of him. Can't remember anything about Big Brother 'stars' except that annoying Jade and the builder who worked on BBC morning programs for a while.