The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hi i was wondering if you went to matthew boulton? because i wanna know if it's a good college?
Reply 2
Matthew Boulton is a really good college but many students find it odd there due to the range of ages that go there. People from all around the world go to matthew boulton college as it is not a sixth form college like Joseph Chamberlain or Cadbury's. This means that you will see 50 year olds there as well as pregnant/teenage parents. You'll find married couples and tonnes of different social groups. The attitude to work there is also different as it's sort of 'make it or break it' as many people go there after failing their exams as a last resort option. This however makes the college performance go top in the charts as the students there are dedicated to learning whether they look like it or not.

It's like life in a building. You'll make friends there but you won't make too many due to the differences in everyone. It's best to stick to your own group.

The Geography A level course has OCR as their exam board.
(edited 13 years ago)
Reply 3
hey does anyone knw if matthew bolton college will be opend in these half term
Hi does anyone know how to call Mathew boulton because oven been on the phone to the 4464545 number and I've been but on hold for a while 😭 and I'm calling to see about my interview