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closeted gay muslim AMA


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Reply 1
are you fasting hows ramadan
So you hide in a closet? That’s a new stance. 🙈
Reply 3
y r u gey?
Reply 4
What do butterflies get in their stomach when they're nervous 🤔
Srrsly tho, do you think your ever going to marry who you want? Or are you going to stay in the closet?
Reply 5
Original post by spf30
are you fasting hows ramadan

it's going fine. it's a lot easier under lockdown because i can stay awake until the pre dawn meal

Original post by Hōseki
y r u gey?

idk i ask myself that all the TIME

Original post by LovelyMrFox
What do butterflies get in their stomach when they're nervous 🤔
Srrsly tho, do you think your ever going to marry who you want? Or are you going to stay in the closet?

well i still think about getting married and starting a family. it depends whether these feelings continues into my 20s lol but i actually really do want a wife and kids, there's no doubt about that.
Original post by Anonymous
it's going fine. it's a lot easier under lockdown because i can stay awake until the pre dawn meal

idk i ask myself that all the TIME

well i still think about getting married and starting a family. it depends whether these feelings continues into my 20s lol but i actually really do want a wife and kids, there's no doubt about that.

iF Ur gey y do you want wife wont you want husband
also do you think its haram to b gay cos most muslims r against the idea and so manya re homophobic tis sad
leave Islam
Reply 8
Original post by Anonymous
leave Islam

Isnt religion about love? Not hate?
Reply 9
Original post by Anonymous
it's going fine. it's a lot easier under lockdown because i can stay awake until the pre dawn meal

idk i ask myself that all the TIME

well i still think about getting married and starting a family. it depends whether these feelings continues into my 20s lol but i actually really do want a wife and kids, there's no doubt about that.

Cool. Also, are you a girl or a boy?
Original post by Anonymous
iF Ur gey y do you want wife wont you want husband
also do you think its haram to b gay cos most muslims r against the idea and so manya re homophobic tis sad

Why are you typing like this lmao
Original post by Anonymous

Is this serious or a joke? If so it must be hard
Dude we on the same boat...EMBRACE THE GEY!
Original post by LovelyMrFox
Isnt religion about love? Not hate?

We do not welcome gays. He must leave Islam.
Reply 14
Original post by Anonymous
We do not welcome gays. He must leave Islam.

The part about gays being bad was mistranslated, just like many other religions :biggrin:
And no, there are many people in Islam who welcome LGBT members.
Original post by LovelyMrFox
The part about gays being bad was mistranslated, just like many other religions :biggrin:
And no, there are many people in Islam who welcome LGBT members.

We do not welcome homosexuals in Islam, it’s forbidden & we certainly do not welcome LGBT members either. Stop talking nonsense about what you do not know.
Reply 16
Original post by Anonymous
We do not welcome homosexuals in Islam, it’s forbidden & we certainly do not welcome LGBT members either. Stop talking nonsense about what you do not know.

How about you get off of Anonymous? Stand up for what you believe in how about?
I know plenty about the matter, but thank you for assuming I dont!
Original post by Anonymous
We do not welcome homosexuals in Islam, it’s forbidden & we certainly do not welcome LGBT members either. Stop talking nonsense about what you do not know.

At the end of the day it's none of your business. It's between that person and God.
Will you be coming out to your family anytime soon?
Original post by ItIsMeTheLord
At the end of the day it's none of your business. It's between that person and God.

I was giving advice as a Muslim. He has to leave Islam, homosexuality is forbidden.

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