The Student Room Group

Two bodies found this morning in Petersfield, Hampshire.

Walking this morning we had to make a detour to get to school due to a large area just down the road having been sectioned off by the police.

Clearly, from the magnitude of the operation something quite serious had occured. There were a number of policement guarding the boundaries, cars parked on the pavements (a section of the road set off for us to walk on), road closed, carpark sectioned off, an ambulance outside and a forensic scienstist going into one of the buildings. As the area is pretty much just outside from our school, everyone was talking about it and various ridiculous rumours were circulating with 'Well I heard that...'

It transpired during the day that two bodies had been found, one in and one out of a some flats on one of the road.

On the way home it appears many more people have been called in, with policemen checking down the dranes etc. A forensic tent has been set up and camera crew vans have parked around the area.

Aparently there have been quite a lot of violent assaults etc going on over the past few weeks. Not good, obviously.

Anyway, just felt like sharing that.
Reply 1
thats nine miles from me, jesus
Reply 2
that happened recently in my area, well, not quite the same. SOmeone attempted to murder someone outside Tesco's but I assume they didn't die. The whole area was fenced off and police were patrolling etc.
Reply 3
probably drugs. it always seems to be
Reply 4
Oh yeah, and a women was murdered in a farm 9 miles away from me in the other direction, winchester, not so long ago.
Reply 5
Certainly a jump from the parking tickets, truent shoplifters and more minor crimes our police normally have to deal with.
somneone was murdered on a street about 15 min away from my house........
Reply 7
stuff like this scares me!
Reply 8
lol @ you english :tongue:

if i counted all the people murdered or attempted murdered within 10 miles of me in the last year it would be scores.

my dads only been injured once this year (in the police here in NI)

it just happens. no fuss required
silent p......?
Oh yeah, and a women was murdered in a farm 9 miles away from me in the other direction, winchester, not so long ago.

She wasn't murdered in a farm.... the name of the close/ area that she lived in was called Badger's farm... it is just up the road from where my nan lives. Quite an affluent area, Badgers Farm!

Reply 10
There's been 2 murders on my street in the past, about 5 houses either side of my house. One was stabbed in the chest when a drunk stranger was turned away from a family New Years party (obviously, since it was a private gathering), and he returned with a knife and stabbed whoever happened to answer the door. The other involved a man hammering his wife to death in the bath.
Argh, Petersfield isn't too far from me! And I work in Winchester! Eek!