The Student Room Group

My sister won't stop stealing my things

So I know this is really petty, but it's really getting to me at the moment because it's causing a lot of rows in my family. Since coming back from uni for summer, my younger sister won't stop stealing things from my room. This includes my clothes, ugg boots, sweets that i've put down on my desk for literally 2 minutes...along with many other things.

This afternoon I was in my room and she came in asking to borrow my hair straighteners. My boyfriend bought me my straightners as a present and they were really expensive :s-smilie: so i've been taking extra special care to keep them in good condition because of this! I told her that i didn't want to lend them to her because of this and she began shouting and screaming at me so I just had to lock my door until she went away. I went downstairs and my mum started having a go at me because I hadn't let her borrow them!!!?!?

In the last few weeks i've actually sat my mum and dad down a number of times and explained to them that i felt they weren't treating my sister and I fairly as we are both close in age and she has a job so it's not like she can't afford to buy clothes, sweets etc... however my parents have done nothing to try and sort the problem out.

I mean, it's not like i'm reallly selfish with my belongings, if she asks I do let her borrow a lot of my things, i give her lifts to places, take her shopping to places she can't get to without a car. But i just feel that it's surely my perogative whether I lend her my stuff or not..and on this occasion I didn't want to!Is it right that my mum should be having a go at me?

Is anyone else having the same problem? Or does anyone have any ideas about how I can stop her from doing this? I'm having to lock my door at the moment...even when I go downstairs for a bowl of cereal! Thanks

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Reply 1
You're going to need mouse traps. Lots of mouse traps.
Reply 2
Someone just made a fool of your thread :awesome:
Reply 3
I've got two sisters but they're both around 9 years younger then me.
Hide her things until she learns and keep your room locked at all times.
grow up and deal with it.
Reply 5
I've tried to settle it in a grown up way by talking to my parents and her about it instead of just stealing her stuff in return for example. You can't tell me you wouldn't feel annoyed if somebody was taking your personal belongings constantly? Especially if they were a present from somebody important to you!
Reply 6
Cut off her hand
Reply 7
i like the mouse trap idea... doo ittttt thats classical condtioning at its best :smile:
Reply 8
They're only sweets and what damage can you cause to a straightner when straightning hair? I know where you're coming from and it's the principle of asking before you take. However I don't see things as stealing if it's betweens siblings, especially items such as sweets!
I've tried to settle it in a grown up way by talking to my parents and her about it instead of just stealing her stuff in return for example. You can't tell me you wouldn't feel annoyed if somebody was taking your personal belongings constantly? Especially if they were a present from somebody important to you!

Hair straighteners, not a Ming Vase. They aint gonna break.

Please-read my original post.
Same here. My sister steals my clothes. I'll wake up at like 7 in the morning hearing rattling, then I open my eyes to see her going through my wardrobe.
Reply 11
Just steal her stuff .Thats what I do.:smile:
Hair straighteners, not a Ming Vase. They aint gonna break.

Please-read my original post.

How in Gods name are you supposed to straighten your hair with a Ming vase?
How in Gods name are you supposed to straighten your hair with a Ming vase?

Womens stuff mate, i aint got one clue.
I don't think people are being very sympathetic towards you hun. I was in exactly the same position as you not so long ago. My sister was stealing from me too.

It is horrible to have to be eagle eyed in your own home. Not be able to just put your things down and know they won't get taken. Your sister shouldn't just take your stuff, so what its only straighteners and sweets but that is not the point. It is YOURS.

My sister wore my clothes and ruined them, borrowed my jewellery and lost it. It is a slippery slope. (Started stealing my money, using my phone and running up huge bills!) So I can completely empathise.

The only thing I can suggest doing is to try and get your parents on-side. I know you've tried but I just told my mum how upset it was making me. (When she ruined my new jeans) and she then started being on my side and my sister stopped. Try not to take your anger out on your parents either.

Hope you sort it out!
Sit your parents down again, go through it again and this time ask them specifically what they're going to do about it. Lock your door whenever you're out of your room.
Definitely get an outside lock, then she can't do it no more.
Reply 17
Steal her stuff.
My Brother wont stop stealing my thongs
ffs, i told him, i am the only crossdresser in the village!!
teach her lesson, show her how it feels like to have things stolen. try sitting her down also, and giving her a lecture.
also i think your parents should be supporting you. its not right to take things without asking, its impolite. if i had a sister i would of given her a smack on the hand.

good luck :smile: