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Reply 1
Nope :smile:

Newcastle as a city is a friendly place in general. From what ive seen of the uni its a bit clicky in places but you should be fine :smile:
Reply 2
just make sure you say newcAstle and not newcARstle :biggrin:
Reply 3
Yes, they beat the crap out of them. :p:

Of course not, where did you hear this? It's no more than the friendly rivalry you get between north and south. Same if there was a geordie or Mancunian in London. Most don't care. Geordies are well known for their hospitality.

I can also assure you that Newcastle uni has plenty of southerners and a reasonably varied intake (even if it's said it has almost as many Rahs as Durham or Bristol - which I don't believe). It's got a fairly decent independent school intake (more than any other "redbrick") and a fair amount of it is southern (particularly Harrow). Not that I'm putting you off at all...

But, yes, call it Newcastle, not "Newcarstle" :wink:
Reply 4

But, yes, call it Newcastle, not "Newcarstle" :wink:

Actually if you pronounce it NEWcastle rather the north east pronunciation of Nyuh-cass'l you are likely to get the piss taken out of you.
Yes, they beat the crap out of them. :p:

Of course not, where did you hear this? It's no more than the friendly rivalry you get between north and south. Same if there was a geordie or Mancunian in London. Most don't care. Geordies are well known for their hospitality.

I can also assure you that Newcastle uni has plenty of southerners and a reasonably varied intake (even if it's said it has almost as many Rahs as Durham or Bristol - which I don't believe). It's got a fairly decent independent school intake (more than any other "redbrick") and a fair amount of it is southern (particularly Harrow). Not that I'm putting you off at all...

But, yes, call it Newcastle, not "Newcarstle" :wink:

Definatley I mean we do have a rivalry with the south but you'll get no bother when your actually up here lol. Most that will happen is that you'll have some mortal geordie trying to impersonate you in the middle of town.

Yes, gets me so annoyed to the point of wanting to bash my head off a wall lol, is it so hard just to call it Newcastle? Newcarstle sounds bloody ill as out like, does me head in haha.

To summarise, you'll be cush we're a loving race! *

*except when at St. James park
Reply 6
Actually if you pronounce it NEWcastle rather the north east pronunciation of Nyuh-cass'l you are likely to get the piss taken out of you. you don't (at least I haven't).

I don't know anyone who pronouces it "Nyuh-cass". Only very common people :wink:

Also, without being pedantic, isn't not "north east" pronounciation. It's a who region of the country with at least four different accents (and even more dialects).
Reply 7
We're friendly, My friend is from Surrey and fits in just fine.
the north east is not just Newcastle, it includes Sunderland, northumberland and the reat of tyneside, we have about a million dialects and alot of Culture.
Reply 8
it includes Sunderland, northumberland and the reat of tyneside, we have about a million dialects and alot of Culture.

:frown: And County Durham.

Not Tesside though, that's Yorkshire.
How is it in Nottingham? Is Nottingham more southern or norterhn?
Reply 10
How is it in Nottingham? Is Nottingham more southern or norterhn?

Anyway south of Middlesbrough is "the south" :p:
how come? I thought middlesbrough was in the north. Sorry if I didn't get the humor/sarcasm
Reply 12
how come? I thought middlesbrough was in the north. Sorry if I didn't get the humor/sarcasm

It's just a joke, because Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield are almost the midlands (in fact, they are in the south of the UK).

Even living in Northumberland I don't think of myself as being in the north, because I'm not. Not in the UK anyway (quite central).

But then I've never really had an english identity.

Anyhoo, Middlesbrough is a dump and has always historically been Yorkshire.
how come? I thought middlesbrough was in the north. Sorry if I didn't get the humor/sarcasm

You didn't :P

To be honest, anything that's not a Geordie (or Scottish, or Mackem) accent in Newcastle is southern anyway. I'm from Newcastle but have lived in the lower half of the North East for a couple of years, and my accent is now Southern to anyone up there.
most people told me to go north, there supposed to be friendlier up there ... lol
Reply 15
I've never understood that Nyuh-castle thing...I say it occasionally (especially if followed by 'United') but usually NEWcastle... I've never really noticed what others say. But when I went for my uni interview - the guy said "You from Nyuh-castle or Newcastle" to distinguish between 'upon tyne' and 'under Lyme'... I was like "you waaat:o: ?

The north-south thing, just friendly rivalry. And we're especially friendly up here, so they say!
Reply 16
But when I went for my uni interview - the guy said "You from Nyuh-castle or Newcastle" to distinguish between 'upon tyne' and 'under Lyme'... I was like "you waaat:o: ?!

:eek: If I was asked that I'd say, "well as I'm not a Cullercoats fish wife so it's Newcastle (Upon Tyne) :p:

I don't suppose that would endear you to them.
Reply 17
:eek: If I was asked that I'd say, "well as I'm not a Cullercoats fish wife so it's Newcastle (Upon Tyne) :p:

I don't suppose that would endear you to them.

It's just a joke, because Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield are almost the midlands (in fact, they are in the south of the UK).

Whhhaaaaatt?! Leeds and Sheffield "almost midlands" are you mental!? We're so northern it hurts! :p:
Reply 19
Whhhaaaaatt?! Leeds and Sheffield "almost midlands" are you mental!? We're so northern it hurts! :p:

I was being generous, you're actually southern...