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Got interview with UCLAN plz help!!

Hi i currently have a place with Keele accepted way before clearing. I decided not to go there now due to travel and costs. UCLAN takes me 1 to get to the preston train station and another 10 mins to get into the uni walking from there. whereas Keele takes 1:10 mins to get to stoke train station and another 35 mins on bus u get from station to Keele and further 5 mins max after bus drops u off.

I rang UCLAN for place at pharmacy and was told to come for an interview.

i was told i will do an interview and a written piece on chemistry and maths and will touch on biology in the interview session.

Please can any tell me what question they will ask in the interviews please and what i should be preapered to know or do background research on. Also how is the Maths and chemistry written exam like is it really hard? can u giv some question on each of them and give me an insight on what kinda of chemistry aand maths questions they will be like. what topic and info should i research on for the test. Also how long is the test and will they ask about the answers i gave in the tests during interview.

Im a bit worried as i really need this.

Ps which is academically better and better chances of getting employement after grauadtion, KEELE or UCLAN.

tyvm for help

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Reply 1
i hope any1 can help, wonder why they still have vacancies and other unis such as liverpool filled their vaccancies whitin an hour of clearing opeining?
this is the first time i am hearing interview for clearing lol

good luck sorry can't help you because i have no experience lol
I think keele are much better.

UCLAN from what I have heard use old textbooks and facilities are poor. Interview for clearing seems over the top too.

I suggest you just brush up on why you want to do pharmacy, some recent developments in pharmacy and why uclan.
Btw have keele released you?
Reply 5
no im not telling keele to release me, incase i fail the interview at UCLAN then i will have nowhere to go. I cant believe they want an interview its ridiculous, its clearing!!!. Wow cant believe UCLAN use old text books and are not uptodate, thats a shocker. i thought they were both very good on the same level accademically and teaching never new UCLAN was bad:frown: . Now i got to think is it a good move for the benifit of a shorter journey - 1 hour less to be precise.:confused:
was it you who wanted to do dentistry?

what other degrees have you done.

you do know that if you get a place after your interview, you will have to tell keele to release you and they don't have to.
Reply 7
yea i been trying to get into dentistry for atleast 3 yrs i shouldve just done one degree then triedto apply dentistry instead wasting them years. anyway thats why i went for this profession. I have no other degrees i started 1st year of 2 degrees and left as there was no future for them and i new i was capable of much better.
i cant believe that keele dont have to release me if they dont wan to:frown:. The women who interviewed me told me that if i dont want to go keele i shoul tell them way b4 clearing as it makes it very difficult and stressful for them and she said they wont like me if i told them later, she was very honest and down to earth, an i think she has a valid point.

Member can u or any1 clarify the is it true UCLAN is not a good uni to study pharmacy and that they use old textbooks and dont have ngod technology or eqipment and are not good teaching? I assumed that both keele and UCLAN were at the same level, only difference being keele was one year head of UCLAN from being accredited.:confused:

why are UCLAN being so fussy with exams and interview during clearing period?

Lol UCLAN did say dont release from keele b4 interview as you may not like this uni and may want to go keele.

tyvm for ur help
yes I feel as though uclan is a poor uni personally but others may differ so it's up to you to go and get a feel of the place.

Well the only thing worrying me about your situation is that you could end up liking uclan and keele not releasing you:eek:
Reply 9
Well I went to uclan yesterday, an its seems like a really good uni. Obvioulsy depends on your course doesnt it.
Unfortunately, i am going have to contradict you member9876, sorry!

UCLan School of Pharmacy is brand new and so their facilities and equipment are top notch, have seen them myself. They have new research labs and their dispensing suite is absolutely lovely - they even have a pharmacy desk in it and a mini dispensary for when they do role-play stuff i imagine.

I have a few friends there who really like it. All universities use old text books because they're so bloody expensive to buy. There is nothing to stop you getting new Eds from the library or even buying your own off the cheap somewhere. Amazon and The Book Depository were great when i was getting books.

The UCLan school is run by a man who was at the top of the list at Manchester pharmacy school so he knows what he is doing and i have no doubts that it will be accredited in three years time. Also, there is quite an active student body there and they have a pharmacy student association which offers social nights, etc - and they have pretty good links with the British Pharmaceutical Students Association (Like the NUS just for pharmacy students, but they actually do stuff! haha).

Finally, don't be put off by an interview for Clearing - LJMU are doing them as well. The questions should not be any harder than A-level papers. I would imagine the maths paper is based mostly on common sense because this is what the LJMU "aptitude test" is based upon. They are simply making sure you really want the place and that you are not a complete and utter numpty. for the Chemistry I would suggest reading over some revision notes or something, maybe look into biochemistry and some organic chemistry, acid base stuff might be useful too as these come up in the actual degree. I don't know what biology stuff they could ask, might be stuff to do with digestion (seeing as the UK loves tablets) and the blood. Maybe some cell biology and microbiology, who knows.

Hope this helps somewhat!
Reply 11
thank you tiger, made me feel so much better. the stuff u described UCLAN has Keele has exactly the same (i.e equpipment and role play stuff) apparantly keele told me they take the role playing stuff very seriously and mark you on it which is why they say you must be confident individual. I thought UCLAN would have new equipment like Keele as they are both new courses at the unversity and they would be doing hell of alot so it would be accredited. you just confirmed this tiger ty, however on a academic lvl which would be better considering teaching and learnining output and graduate employement?
if i phone the UCLAN and ask what the chemistry and maths would be based on wuld they tell me?

And finally is the interviewer easy going or opposite, cos keele felt like a general chat but ot too general and felt welcoming?

LOL i tohught by going through clearing they would simply no questions asked give u a place straight away, gues that wouldnt be fare on other who have taken interview.

hopefully after interview which would release a ton of stress ill be doing this :woo: and if not ill be doing this :banghead: :cry:

Reply 12
dr junior
thank you tiger, made me feel so much better. the stuff u described UCLAN has Keele has exactly the same (i.e equpipment and role play stuff) apparantly keele told me they take the role playing stuff very seriously and mark you on it which is why they say you must be confident individual. I thought UCLAN would have new equipment like Keele as they are both new courses at the unversity and they would be doing hell of alot so it would be accredited. you just confirmed this tiger ty, however on a academic lvl which would be better considering teaching and learnining output and graduate employement?
if i phone the UCLAN and ask what the chemistry and maths would be based on wuld they tell me?

And finally is the interviewer easy going or opposite, cos keele felt like a general chat but ot too general and felt welcoming?

LOL i tohught by going through clearing they would simply no questions asked give u a place straight away, gues that wouldnt be fare on other who have taken interview.

hopefully after interview which would release a ton of stress ill be doing this :woo: and if not ill be doing this :banghead: :cry:


I really cant see the interview being to stric;they need to fill their places afterall... gd luck though let us know how you do. Might cya around :P
dr junior
thank you tiger, made me feel so much better. the stuff u described UCLAN has Keele has exactly the same (i.e equpipment and role play stuff) apparantly keele told me they take the role playing stuff very seriously and mark you on it which is why they say you must be confident individual. I thought UCLAN would have new equipment like Keele as they are both new courses at the unversity and they would be doing hell of alot so it would be accredited. you just confirmed this tiger ty, however on a academic lvl which would be better considering teaching and learnining output and graduate employement?
if i phone the UCLAN and ask what the chemistry and maths would be based on wuld they tell me?

And finally is the interviewer easy going or opposite, cos keele felt like a general chat but ot too general and felt welcoming?

LOL i tohught by going through clearing they would simply no questions asked give u a place straight away, gues that wouldnt be fare on other who have taken interview.

hopefully after interview which would release a ton of stress ill be doing this :woo: and if not ill be doing this :banghead: :cry:



I can't really speak for graduate and teaching input as both are really on in their lives as pharmacy schools. I know UCLan get pharm practice skills from the word go, they have really good links with the local hospital (which is effing HUGE!) and community sectors so getting a placement isn't hard. Its is a new school so the area is probably in need of pharmacists (i should really know this because i only live 7 minutes on the train away from preston, haha).

I wouldn't imagine the interview would be harsh or nasty because they are probably empathising with people who are in the clearing system. The reason they are doing interviews is because they have had so many applicants, that is why LJMU are interviewing a few people. Just relax when you go in and seem enthusiastic about going to Preston and about the pharmacy profession as a whole.

I would not advise calling them about the paper because they are not likely to tell you anything... and it will look bad on you anyway and that is the last thing you need.
fair enough, the news I heard was the uclan wasn't very good but if you say so fine by me :biggrin:
Reply 15
has no1 here been to UCLAN to do a pharmacy interview? i just want genral idea of what kind of chemistry question they gonna give, and maths question for when you sit a short test. please help. my interview is tomorrow : (
Reply 16
I went to UCLAN through clearing and was given an offer straight away which i accepted (I believe doing chem, bio and physics at A-Level helped)

What i would like to know is a bit about Preston???
For example is the city and the Uni a multicultural place??
Iv heard that they both are but i would like to hear from someone from Preston or UCLAN . . . so will someone please let me know! (i am askin as it will help me settle in if they are multicultural as i come from that background)
Reply 17
I went to UCLAN through clearing and was given an offer straight away which i accepted (I believe doing chem, bio and physics at A-Level helped)

What i would like to know is a bit about Preston???
For example is the city and the Uni a multicultural place??
Iv heard that they both are but i would like to hear from someone from Preston or UCLAN . . . so will someone please let me know! (i am askin as it will help me settle in if they are multicultural as i come from that background)

Well I went to an open-day last friday, and there seemed to be many diffrent types of cultures around
I went to UCLAN through clearing and was given an offer straight away which i accepted (I believe doing chem, bio and physics at A-Level helped)

What i would like to know is a bit about Preston???
For example is the city and the Uni a multicultural place??
Iv heard that they both are but i would like to hear from someone from Preston or UCLAN . . . so will someone please let me know! (i am askin as it will help me settle in if they are multicultural as i come from that background)

I am just down the road from Preston so here is a little reply from moi:

The city itself is pretty multicultural and there are plenty of ethnicities there. At one time Preston was names the most racist city in the country by various low-brow newspapers, but it is no worse than any other city if you ask me - i have never experienced any problems.

The night life is pretty good and there is a decent enough police presence on the main street. There are places to suit every music taste, even a few good rock and indie clubs. I must say the weekdays are a lot nicer than the weekends as many of the ham fisted people come out then (but that is the same for almost everywere).

The Uni will be as multicultural as the city as many local people go to UCLan.
Reply 19
Thanks Tigerswift . . . so you are saying there are many Pakistani/Indians in Preston and uclan??

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