The Student Room Group

How flexible is Newcastle with their offers?

Hey All,

I am thinking about applying to Newcastle university for entry in 2021 to study law. My teacher suggested it could be a good insurance choice if I did not get the grades for my first choice uni. Even though the grades advertised are AAA to study law, how flexible will newcastle be with this?
usually most unis are pretty flexible but i’m guessing next year not many will be because a lot of the 2020 applicants are reapplying for next year
likely drop a couple grades
Original post by Anonymous
Hey All,

I am thinking about applying to Newcastle university for entry in 2021 to study law. My teacher suggested it could be a good insurance choice if I did not get the grades for my first choice uni. Even though the grades advertised are AAA to study law, how flexible will newcastle be with this?

From me and my friends experience, they tend to be more flexible with their offers, e.g. it says online AAA for my course but i was offered AAB or ABB if I put them firm. But I think when it comes down to if you are a grade under on results day, they tend to be pretty strict with what they offered you unless they have spaces available, from what I've heard. Maybe check how many spaces and how occupied your course is?
Original post by Anonymous
Hey All,

I am thinking about applying to Newcastle university for entry in 2021 to study law. My teacher suggested it could be a good insurance choice if I did not get the grades for my first choice uni. Even though the grades advertised are AAA to study law, how flexible will newcastle be with this?

Hi Anonymous,

It's great to hear you're interested in studying Law with us! :smile:

The Law School can be slightly flexible with grades in past years we have even been able to accept students with ABB but this obviously depends on the amount of vacancies available that year. It's often difficult to predict how each year will pan out unfortunately. One thing which is a certainty though is that our Law School gives priority to "near miss" applicants who have put Newcastle as their firm choice. If you put us as your insurance, you will only be given priority once the other "near miss" students have been seen to first. So, this may be something to think about!

Because this changes by year, you can always speak to some of our current Law students about their application process and how they found it. You can chat to them via our Unibuddy platform here: Follow the link to be connected with our current students and ask them anything about studying with us and university life in Newcastle as a whole.

For anymore admissions questions, you can always get in touch direct with our Undergraduate Admissions team via email at: [email protected].

Hope this helps :smile:

- Laura
Is computer science flexible with grades?
Original post by Newcastle University
Hi Anonymous,
It's great to hear you're interested in studying Law with us! :smile:
The Law School can be slightly flexible with grades in past years we have even been able to accept students with ABB but this obviously depends on the amount of vacancies available that year. It's often difficult to predict how each year will pan out unfortunately. One thing which is a certainty though is that our Law School gives priority to "near miss" applicants who have put Newcastle as their firm choice. If you put us as your insurance, you will only be given priority once the other "near miss" students have been seen to first. So, this may be something to think about!
Because this changes by year, you can always speak to some of our current Law students about their application process and how they found it. You can chat to them via our Unibuddy platform here: Follow the link to be connected with our current students and ask them anything about studying with us and university life in Newcastle as a whole.
For anymore admissions questions, you can always get in touch direct with our Undergraduate Admissions team via email at: [email protected].
Hope this helps :smile:
- Laura

I’m applying for the journalism and media degrees. The requirements are typically AAB I’m a PARTNERS student so requirements are BBC, one of my subjects is applied and I’m currently on track to receive an A* in that. The worst case scenario grades for me would likely be A*CC, what are the chances of them accepting me as a near miss student given that fact it is actually higher in terms of points and I’m a PARTNERS applicant?
Original post by william.mcbride
I’m applying for the journalism and media degrees. The requirements are typically AAB I’m a PARTNERS student so requirements are BBC, one of my subjects is applied and I’m currently on track to receive an A* in that. The worst case scenario grades for me would likely be A*CC, what are the chances of them accepting me as a near miss student given that fact it is actually higher in terms of points and I’m a PARTNERS applicant?

Hi @william.mcbride

At Newcastle, our offers are based on grades in three A levels, rather than cumulative UCAS Tariff points. This means that we don’t necessarily consider A*CC as equivalent to BBC.

If, when your A level results are released, you do not quite meet your PARTNERS offer conditions, we will consider you a ‘near-miss’ applicant. In this scenario, all applicants who met their offer conditions would receive their place. For any places we have left over, we will reconsider all ‘near-miss’ applicants and look to place the most promising applicants.

Unfortunately, we would not be able to advise any further, as this consideration is done on an individual basis.

I hope this helps 😊

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