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Reply 1
Haha! :biggrin:
I'm not a toff at all....dunno about others though
Reply 2
Toffs - well in the Law School they are. However, in my accommodation everyone, more or less, seems pretty normal. But I am in the cheapest (central) accommodation.
Reply 3
I am certainly not a toff, but there are a few about in the Law School. No one I know has really discussed whether they went to a comprehensive or private school, it's really not an issue, people are more concerned about how nice you are. However, I was reassured to find out that the one guy in the Law School I know who boasted about his private education to a whole lot of people has since been ignored by that bunch of people. (And when I say boasted, I do mean it!)
Reply 4
I am certainly not a toff, but there are a few about in the Law School. No one I know has really discussed whether they went to a comprehensive or private school, it's really not an issue, people are more concerned about how nice you are. However, I was reassured to find out that the one guy in the Law School I know who boasted about his private education to a whole lot of people has since been ignored by that bunch of people. (And when I say boasted, I do mean it!)

Hehe. I haven't had anyone boast to me about their school, but I've had numerous people go on about their A-levels, and how they only took 'proper' subjects, etc. Most people are down to Earth though. Especially the honey monster.
Reply 5
I'm applying and I'm about as ghetto as one can get!
Reply 6
I have been at Kings for almost 2 and a half years and most of the people I know arent "toffs" ( I certainly am not!!! ). In fact Kings takes on more public school students than most of the other UoL Colleges (im talking about UCL, LSE and Imperial). However I have found that SOME Law and Business Mgt students tend be slightly more concerned about their "private school" education etc than others. However generally most of the students are down to earth ppl!!

Sorry if I have offended anyone doing Law / Business mgt at Kings, I did say "SOME" NOT "everyone"!!! :biggrin:
Reply 7
Sorry if I have offended anyone doing Law / Business mgt at Kings, I did say "SOME" NOT "everyone"!!! :biggrin:

Nope. Not offended at all. Your right. I think it is particular to the Law School (and maybe the Business School - I don't know anyone doing business) that it is stuffed with private school kids. From what I've been told, the Law School takes on a number of students from private schools WAY above the university average.
Any of you guys know Russian Alex? 2nd year law guy, infamous, in some parts...
Reply 9
Most people are down to Earth though. Especially the honey monster.

Do you know, I have absolutely no idea what character in our year you're talking about - but that still made me laugh!

As for Russian Alex, I do not know who that is, the first year has some personalities all of its own.
Reply 10
thats Reassuring thanks
Reply 11
Don't worry they're just as scared of you as you are of them.:wink:
Reply 12
Do you know, I have absolutely no idea what character in our year you're talking about - but that still made me laugh!

The Honey Monster is the quite chubby guy with the ginger hair. Genrally sits towards the front. Has the knack of making me cringe whenever he says something.
Reply 13
The Honey Monster is the quite chubby guy with the ginger hair. Genrally sits towards the front. Has the knack of making me cringe whenever he says something.

Mwhahaha, he is in my class. Yes. Well.

I had no idea he is known as the Honey Monster, that is absolutely hilarious.
Reply 14
Mwhahaha, he is in my class. Yes. Well.

I had no idea he is known as the Honey Monster, that is absolutely hilarious.

Well, I don't know how many people refer to him as that. Its just something we came up with. Poor little blighter.
Reply 15
Apparently he is known by that by everyone in first year, but me. I am so not with it.

If you feel sorry for him, feel sorry for us - imagine what he's like in the lectures, times that by one hundred and you'll get a rough idea of our classes.

Reply 16
The Honey Monster is the quite chubby guy with the ginger hair. Genrally sits towards the front. Has the knack of making me cringe whenever he says something.

Hehehehehe the name honey monster is rather good for him! However, me and friends thought the term the Ogre more appropriate after getting stuck sitting next to him in a lecture!! I guess you have to feel sorry for him though.
Reply 17
Hehehehehe the name honey monster is rather good for him! However, me and friends thought the term the Ogre more appropriate after getting stuck sitting next to him in a lecture!! I guess you have to feel sorry for him though.

I'm gonna sit next to him in one of the lectures, and put my hand on his knee. Just for comedy value.
Reply 18
I'm gonna sit next to him in one of the lectures, and put my hand on his knee. Just for comedy value.

That would be funny -I can imagine his reaction!
Reply 19
Yeah, me too. Rohypnol in kingslaws drink and a sore bum when he wakes up.