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oh please id be here all :smile::smile::smile::smile:ing day!
Accounting lecturer/seminar tutor.
How someone can make even a subject like accounting sound even more boring than necessary is... mindbogglingly bewildering.
Reply 3
My physics teacher somehow manages to go off on a tangent every lesson.
Today, his plan for the lesson was to go through the specimen paper- we only started it half way through the lesson, and by the end of it (35 mins later), we had just about finished the 2nd question.
Some teachers are so evil in my college. I miss my upper school teachers ... at least they were more 'motherly'. Does anybody else hate/dislike intensely any of their teachers this year?

Consider yourself lucky, I have one who tells dirty jokes all day!!!

It's actually a little scary...
Reply 5
Well.. I just stayed on at my school.. so I have some of the same teachers.
I like sarcastic teachers though... they make the lessons more interesting.
Apart from this one drama teacher who has no other tone of voice apart from sarcasm/irony. Even if she's asking you to sign a form or something.
Reply 6
first thing my old maths teacher said "I will never talk for more than 15 minutes in a lesson"

He hasn't shut up since.
Reply 7
Sometimes I feel like they actually DON'T want me to succeed or go to uni ... :frown:
Reply 8
Well we do have an awful History teacher who just pompously waffles on and on, spending about 5 lessons rephrasing the same things. He start off lessons by saying "okay I won't talk AT you all lesson" and then proceeds to do exactly that. Bah.
We had an increbidly dry sarcastic teacher at college (he was a qualified barrister though so what do you expect?). He was pretty funny though... and anybody who could take a joke liked him :biggrin:
Reply 10
This barrister talk reminds me of a certain perverted teacher of ours (in a boys school!) :redface:
The man has been sacked now...
This barrister talk reminds me of a certain perverted teacher of ours (in a boys school!) :redface:
The man has been sacked now...

:eek: Oh my God do you wanna hear a CRAZY story? Well you're going to! And it's TOTALLY TRUE!

At school I had an IT teacher called Mr. Mepham. I always thought there was something a little odd about, and I wasn't alone in this view. But lots of people can seem a little odd when it's just their strage humour or something. Rumours went around that he was gay and stuff but loads of rumours like that go around with all teachers. Mr Mepham was overall a nice guy though and most people got on with him. Anyway, in my first year at college, there were accusations that he had asked two year 7 students to pose for him nude while he took pictures, for which he had offered to pay them. He was suspended while an investigation was carried out... A week later Mr Mepham went off in his private plane and nobody ever heard of him again, until his body washed up on the shores of Brighton... absolutely mad! I still can't believe all that happened!
Reply 12
:eek: Oh my God do you wanna hear a CRAZY story? Well you're going to! And it's TOTALLY TRUE!

At school I had an IT teacher called Mr. Mepham. I always thought there was something a little odd about, and I wasn't alone in this view. But lots of people can seem a little odd when it's just their strage humour or something. Rumours went around that he was gay and stuff but loads of rumours like that go around with all teachers. Mr Mepham was overall a nice guy though and most people got on with him. Anyway, in my first year at college, there were accusations that he had asked two year 7 students to pose for him nude while he took pictures, for which he had offered to pay them. He was suspended while an investigation was carried out... A week later Mr Mepham went off in his private plane and nobody ever heard of him again, until his body washed up on the shores of Brighton... absolutely mad! I still can't believe all that happened!

Quite similar to our teacher.

He was really nice, and used to let us eat in his lessons. He had been at the school for 20+ years. One day, there was an article in The People (not a respected paper, but nonetheless) in which a reporter had gone 'undercover' as a fellow paedophile, and they had discussed certain things. Mr ***** then talked about how he knew some of the boys had good bodies, especially this one boy in year 9 (article didn't specify who the boy was for obvious reasons). Guy was suspended, and has left the school. Quite shocking at the time.
But he didn't fly off and crash his plane into the English Channel... that was the shocking part :frown:
Quite similar to our teacher.

He was really nice, and used to let us eat in his lessons. He had been at the school for 20+ years. One day, there was an article in The People (not a respected paper, but nonetheless) in which a reporter ahd gone 'undercover' as a fellow paedophile, and they had discussed certain things. Mr ***** then talked about how he knew some of the boys had goos bodies, especially this one boy in year 9 (article didn't specify who the boy was for obvious reasons). Guy was suspended, and has left the school. Quite shocking at the time.

Wow, and I thought my teacher who makes jokes about vibrating cell phones was a pervert...!
Reply 15
We had an increbidly dry sarcastic teacher at college (he was a qualified barrister though so what do you expect?). He was pretty funny though... and anybody who could take a joke liked him :biggrin:

We had one like that. he was cool! he smoked cigars and wore braces. our criminal law lecturer at uni is a lot like him, and he wears braces as well! but one of our lecturers seems really perverted and scary! we also have one guy who hates his wife and wants to kill her, he also hates children, and well...most things really!
Natalie Lane
Consider yourself lucky, I have one who tells dirty jokes all day!!!

It's actually a little scary...

Join the club. We asked why he (my bio teacher) had to bring sex into almost everthing, he said it was the only way to get our attention... :rolleyes:
Reply 17
my biology teacher tells us he likes to get his "leg over" chromosomes
nuff sed.
One of my English lit teachers is a right *****. She hasn't lightened up at all even though we're in sixth form now and she still treats us like Year 9s. She just has to criticise EVERYTHING we do all the time, and is incapable of giving anyone a compliment. If we do something well, she just says 'hmmmm.' If anyone dares to be 5 minutes late for the lesson, she completely goes off on one and if anyone dares to miss a lesson, for whatever reason, she threatens to send letters home and kick them off the course! No wonder her class last year dropped from 30 to 6!

One of my history teachers is rubbish. She's always going off on a tangent about things completely irrelevant to the lesson. For ages, she photocopied every page in the textbook and gave them to us as handouts saying there weren't enough textbooks; even though there were and we even offered to go and get them for her, so in the end we all went to see the head of department and he gave them to us. She never gives us time to do the work she sets us; she just gives us the answers but doesn't explain them. She never marks any of our work or homework either. We've all been complaining about her to our other teacher and the head of department, so today he came in and observed our lesson, talking to us, looking at our folders and getting us to fill in a questionnaire. One of the statements was 'the lesson goes quickly' and we all said 'never' :biggrin: But as soon as he went out of the door, she went back to talking about irrelevant crap again! :mad:
Reply 19
One of my English lit teachers is a right *****. She hasn't lightened up at all even though we're in sixth form now and she still treats us like Year 9s. She just has to criticise EVERYTHING we do all the time, and is incapable of giving anyone a compliment. If we do something well, she just says 'hmmmm.' If anyone dares to be 5 minutes late for the lesson, she completely goes off on one and if anyone dares to miss a lesson, for whatever reason, she threatens to send letters home and kick them off the course! No wonder her class last year dropped from 30 to 6!

omg that sounds EXACTLY like one of my teachers. uptight :smile::smile::smile::smile::smile:! *hug* i know the feeling :frown: