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Reply 1
It's a passing infatuation. It can happen with anyone, whether its an A-list celeb or just a guy in a pub you happen to see.

You can't "cure" yourself, but you need to recognise when you are obsessing. If you think you are, then try your best to cut him/her out of your day to day life.

It's normal. Don't worry.
it happens but its not love... its a crush... its something you'll have to get over because i'm pretty sure its not going to happen, unless you can perform magic or a miracle occurs, sorry but the harsh reality of it is don't waste your time, try to be more realistic.

plus if you haven't met the person and spent time with them it can't be love, its a very strong passion for them.
Get a good pair of binoculars and a jumper for many late nights in bushes?

But seriously, get over it. Ain't gonna happen.
Stalk her until you get close enough to kidnap her, then keep her captive until Stockholm Syndrome kicks in and she falls for you. Good luck :yy:

Oh dear god, i LOVE you're avater! :woo:


It's simply a crush, we all get them. In time it will pass.

EDIT: and you can't love someone you don't know sweetie, it just aint going to happen.
Reply 5
Sorry, but it ain't love
Reply 6
It's just a crush, it won't be like that forever. You might admire her forever, but the strong feelings will pass. You'll find someone you know who's amazing and you'll want to be with them instead. :smile:
:woo: Croydon...and it'll pass in time.
You're infatuated with a fantasy.You can't be in love with somebody you don't even know, she may be (probably is if she's an A-lister) a real cow in reality.

It'll go away eventually.
I don't know what to do. I love a celebrity, but she's an A lister and I'm a kid from Croydon. If I can't have her I don't know what I'll do ... =(

you'll grow up maybe?

it's a crush, it will pass. It certainly isn't love
Reply 10
Who is she?? I'm really curious now!

On a more serious note, you'll soon get over this celebrity. Just remember celebrity culture is all about false images and appearances. You don't really know this girl so try setting your sights lower and hang out with the girls in your area...they'll probably be nicer anyway! :smile:
Reply 11
Who is it?

Infatuation. You will get over it :smile:
Reply 12
Meh it's a crush just a little crush, it's not like you (kind remember word) every-time you touch.
Reply 13
Intrigued to know who this A-lister is!

If it's Winehouse (actually, she aint no A-lister is she? Strike me down with a feather if considered so!) or Britney then stay well clear son. (Presume you're a boy).
Reply 14
Well you don't know her personally so how can you be in love with her? She might be the worlds most boring person you never know! :p:
Reply 15
Also, I recommend 90's dance song 'Crush' by Jennifer Page in order to help you get over it.

Reply 16
faint Ed :P
Go for it.
Reply 18
Meh it's a crush just a little crush, it's not like you (kind remember word) every-time you touch.

just like a dream :wink:

EDIT: I've been singing this song incorrectly for YEARS.
I don't know what to do. I love a celebrity, but she's an A lister and I'm a kid from Croydon. If I can't have her I don't know what I'll do ... =(

Barry George is that you? Never thought you were on TSR.