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Changing colleges at Cambridge?

I got a place at Cambridge for next year, however I applied as open application as I didn't expect to get in and wasn't sure i even wanted to go! Now I got my place, I really want to go, however i'm not too keen on the college i'm in. So im just wondering, is it possible to change college? Has it happened before?
I'm sure some other colleges have a few places left due to some people not getting the grades. I haven't really got a great reason for changing, however I just really don't like mine and would love to go to a different one!

Sorry if I sound like i'm whining, when i'm not really in the position to, but I would rather spend 3 years of my life in another college and if it's possible, i'll try! :biggrin:

Thanks a lot for any help! :smile:
Reply 1
No, not unless you have very, very specific reasons for doing so (which you don't).

Go into it with a positive attitude -- there is nothing inherently wrong with any of the colleges, and for the most part only the individua actually makes it a miserable experience for themselves.

You know nothing, really, about your college. Find out, in the best way possible.
Basically, the following principles are relevant:

1. You will not be able to change college.
2. You will end up loving your college.

There are minor exceptions to both of these, but chances are things will end up being fine.
Reply 3
Which college did you get accepted by?

What Supergrunch said is basically true, once you get there you'll realise that each college has its advantages and people often form strong college loyalties fairly quickly. Changing colleges is fairly unheard of.

Having said that, I will tell you a story I heard... Apparently there was a girl who was pooled to New Hall and really hated it, so, in her second year, she chose to live out from New Hall and asked Downing if they would rent her accommodation. They did, and now she effectively lives there (though still has a pigeon hole etc in New Hall). I'm not sure of it's validity, and as people have said, people changing college doesn't usually happen.
Reply 4
Thanks a lot everyone - been a big help! I guess ill just wait till I get there and you're probably right about me growing to love it!
Have no proper reasons anyway, so i have no chance of changing!

Having said that, I will tell you a story I heard... Apparently there was a girl who was pooled to New Hall and really hated it, so, in her second year, she chose to live out from New Hall and asked Downing if they would rent her accommodation. They did, and now she effectively lives there (though still has a pigeon hole etc in New Hall). I'm not sure of it's validity, and as people have said, people changing college doesn't usually happen.

I think I may know of the person you refer to. If so, it wasn't that she disliked New Hall, but simply that she couldn't accept not being at her first choice college. She did indeed move out of her New Hall accommodation, though as I understand it she simply rented a flat somewhere else. She did, however, try to spend all her time in the college she'd been pooled from, even to the extent of going to see the nurse/chaplain there... Even at her graduation she tried to avoid standing with the other New Hallers, and went around telling everyone that she had effectively been to another college... Pretty pathetic.

There are always a few sad individuals who refuse to accept the fact that they're in a given college. My advice is to take pride in your college, and to engage with it. You'll soon discover the advantages of that particular college. As an example, even though the majority of people who end up at New Hall (now Murray Edwards) were pooled there, the ones I knew who went there grew to like it very quickly, and still rave about what a great place it was.
Reply 6
I got a place at Cambridge for next year, however I applied as open application as I didn't expect to get in and wasn't sure i even wanted to go! Now I got my place, I really want to go, however i'm not too keen on the college i'm in. So im just wondering, is it possible to change college? Has it happened before?
I'm sure some other colleges have a few places left due to some people not getting the grades. I haven't really got a great reason for changing, however I just really don't like mine and would love to go to a different one!

Sorry if I sound like i'm whining, when i'm not really in the position to, but I would rather spend 3 years of my life in another college and if it's possible, i'll try! :biggrin:

Thanks a lot for any help! :smile:

I am ready to change place with you any time. (I do not have admission in Cambridge)
I've also been recently accepted to a college at Cambridge, and I have no problems with going there. Looks lovely. My worry however, is that my fiancé is coming with me (which at the time I didn't note on the application) and I'm worried about finding suitable accommodation within the college. I've already talked to a college senior who said their accommodation for couples/families is fairly limited...

Is there anyway system in place that allows you to be pooled in this circumstance to get suitable accommodation (perhaps a different college)? Or am I going to have to live outside of the Hall?
Reply 8
Original post by Cthulhulegion
I've also been recently accepted to a college at Cambridge, and I have no problems with going there. Looks lovely. My worry however, is that my fiancé is coming with me (which at the time I didn't note on the application) and I'm worried about finding suitable accommodation within the college. I've already talked to a college senior who said their accommodation for couples/families is fairly limited...

Is there anyway system in place that allows you to be pooled in this circumstance to get suitable accommodation (perhaps a different college)? Or am I going to have to live outside of the Hall?

You have replied to a very old thread.

You say you have already been accepted, are you postgrad? If so contact your college urgently.

Posted from TSR Mobile
I noticed it was old, glad you spotted me still!

I have, they simply said 'the supply is limited' (in reference to their couple accommodation) I've asked how to apply to the specific accommodation but no reply as of yet...

I am indeed a postgrad starting on the Graphene Tech CDT next academic year.
Reply 10
Congratulations on your place :smile:

Maybe call them?

Posted from TSR Mobile