Hmm, it's been 9 years so I'll give my take on things. He's just being honest like I am! If we think your new hairstyle isn't as good as your old one, we will say so! If we think that freckles are ugly (which they are) we will make ourselves heard! We are not intentionally making ourselves insensitive but we are just going to be honest with you so you can better yourself as a person or so you just know our take on things. Unfortunately, some of the comments are suggesting that he is insecure, which is the LAST thing we are, these people just think that lying = good. Here is an example!Two characters, Laila and John are in a room, Laila just got a new haircutJohn: Did you get a new haircut?Laila: Yeah, why?John: I prefer your old one.Now Laila could respond in 3 ways (3 ways, obviously generalised, there are infinite responses)1: OMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGG YOU DON'T LIKE MY NEW HAIRSTYLE, UGGGGGHHHHHH I'M BREAKING UP UGGGGGGHHHHH!!!This is an obviously bad way to respond.2: You don't like it? Ok, I will change it to be however you want. Shave me bald if you wish!This, again, is a bad way to respond, you may as well be his slave if you respond this way.3: You don't like it? Well, thanks for your opinion!This is one of the best ways to respond, take in his opinion and do what YOU want.(Before we move on, he probably isn't trying to make you feel inadequate as he said freckles weren't attractive to his friend and if he did not know you were there wouldn't he tell the truth?)Now, let's break down some of the comments.La Esmerelda: