The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I don't have a clue how to convert UMS to raw marks, but you should be able to see where abouts your grades were by comparing your UMS marks to the standard UMS boundaries! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Reply 2
you can't convert. the method of conversion is different for every paper, every year. you can ask for the raw marks but tbh, there isnt really much point. UMS is the be all and end all.
Reply 3
Speak to your teachers...they should know the breakdown of your exam...what you got on each question!

But you should be able to see how many UMS you were of the next grade!
Reply 4
well is there a ums grade boundaries page anywhere? All i can get is the raw marks ones on the AQA site, like I said
Reply 5
There's a thread "All about UMS"'ll tell you!!


p.s. I can't do a link because I suck at computers... :biggrin:
well is there a ums grade boundaries page anywhere? All i can get is the raw marks ones on the AQA site, like I said

Look on the back of your results statement. :rolleyes:
Reply 7
i thought it was something along the lines of UMS Mark divided by 1.5
i thought it was something along the lines of UMS Mark divided by 1.5

You thought wrong!:smile:
Received my exam results from the AQA board, all my marks are in UMS form, and the grade boundaries up on the website are just raw marks.

How do I convert my UMS mark into a raw mark, so I can see where abouts I was inside my grade.

There is an unofficial converter, made by TSR members:
Reply 10
There is an unofficial converter, made by TSR members:

Is it 100% accurate?
Reply 11
Is it 100% accurate?

nope if it was is then my results are lying!
nope if it was is then my results are lying!

You got your raw marks?
Reply 13
You got your raw marks?

Nope but from the converter it suggests I'm on a C, but i got a B!
Nope but from the converter it suggests I'm on a C, but i got a B!

For many subjects, 70% UMS (always a B) comes from 60% raw marks or sometimes lower. How are you using the converter?
Reply 15
This website shows you, how far off you were if you look at UMS...which is what counts in the end...
hey I found this...and it got the exact grades I got at AS