The Student Room Group

Webcam modelling for money...?

Has... anyone done this?

I was thinking of doing it to earn a little extra money at Uni... Although I'd have to check out the situation with the University networks - or I'd be quite embarrased when meeting the IT technicians :wink:

What do people think of this? I don't know how much I'd earn as most websites pay in dollars.

I want to hear from people who have done this please :smile:

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Reply 1
so what like getting naked for random people?
i cant see your uni allowing that
Reply 2
get a job in retail like everyone else.
Seriously? Bad, bad idea. That sort of thing could come back to haunt you...
Reply 4
Has... anyone done this?

I was thinking of doing it to earn a little extra money at Uni... Although I'd have to check out the situation with the University networks - or I'd be quite embarrased when meeting the IT technicians :wink:

What do people think of this? I don't know how much I'd earn as most websites pay in dollars.

I want to hear from people who have done this please :smile:

.....wT....:confused: :confused: at Uni? Sounds like you starting university soon..such activities like serious..

Few things come to my head when i saw this, ===> Rent + Policy + Contract + Not your property/room + Rules + Break them + Police + Door + Arrest + Sentencing + Fine + Kicked out + Name and Shamed + Possibly Framed on Youtube?
Wouldnt do it at uni, but other than that I dont really see the problem. From a completely objective perspective I think that webcam shows are a lot safer (in terms of physical stuff and anonymity) than any other forms of stripping, so if you're headed that way, why the hell not?
From my future uni's list of things that do and don't work:
Will my webcam work?

Sadly, as a major academic institution, we are bombarded constantly with hacking attempts, which typically target those very ports that are used by webcams.

Cardiff University offers academic network connection points in study bedrooms, provided primarily as a study aid. As such, our priority is to offer a secure, academic computing environment for all our students. In order to achieve this we are unable to offer unrestricted Internet access in rooms but have to block those ports which pose a security threat.

Unfortunately, this may well mean that your webcam will not work from your room (although Yahoo users have had the most success and MSN has proven to be the most problematic). You should be aware that even though your webcam may work initially, it may not always do so. This is because external companies very often change their settings (sometimes without warning) and of course such matters are outside the control of Cardiff University.
Is the money even good? . .
Reply 8
post pic and I'll tell you how much you can earn

Reply 9
OK unrelated to webcam business. If I just took an ordinary naked picture, and sent it to my boyfriend on MSN using the universities internet, would the university know?
Reply 10
Yes, they would INSTANTLY send it to ever other university student via email and include your address, so they know you're up for a ragging.

LOL, I doubt this.
Its easy money, surely?
If you want to practice I've got msn. I can give you good advice on whats working and whats not.
If you want to practice I've got msn. I can give you good advice on whats working and whats not.

LOL @ U:woo:
Reply 14
.....wT....:confused: :confused: at Uni? Sounds like you starting university soon..such activities like serious..

Few things come to my head when i saw this, ===> Rent + Policy + Contract + Not your property/room + Rules + Break them + Police + Door + Arrest + Sentencing + Fine + Kicked out + Name and Shamed + Possibly Framed on Youtube?

As it isn't illegal, I fail to see how this would happen.
As it isn't illegal, I fail to see how this would happen.

If she wont pay income tax shell have problems
Reply 16
If she wont pay income tax shell have problems

Maybe, but that falls to HMRC not the police.
Reply 17
cardiff university should be called emo university :tongue:

pretty much what everyone else says, it works but don't expect any privacy or anonymity, stuff gets out - you are either happy with that or not, in the end you might as well just become a proper stripper and get paid way more than the russians etc on webcams