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People are classing me as a loner

' People are classing me as a loner '

It is true ever since I was young I have much rather prefered my own company rather than the company of others. I mean I feel comfortable with my immediate family such as mum, grandmother grandad and brother, but I've never really been good at socialising at all. I have a really nasty temper and I've never had a girlfriend or anything. While doing the first year of AS I spent all my time alone. After passing my AS and at the beginning of A2 I decided that enough was enough and I came out of college. (September 2007)

Since then I have gone into a state of seclusion. My mental health has suffered somewhat significantly and my mum got me to seek medical advice and I have began counselling sessions. Apart from that outing and maybe visiting my grandmother twice a week or something, my social life is none existent. Now people are telling me I have severe depression and stuff but I don't feel depressed all the time but I can't be left alone in my room because my mum is always on at me to go outside and mix with people. I don't understand what makes people want to be friends. I don't have much feelings for others and I'l admit I am a nasty person. I don't know what life has in store for me but I can sum it by saying it's a ****ing sick world.

The main question however is why will people continue to phone me up calling me a loner and why do I keep getting talked about and being classed as a weirdo and stuff. I am ****ing fed up of it.

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i dont have many friends but i try to make friends but rarely succeed,
Reply 2
People phone you up to call you a loner? seems like they don't have enough to do with their time
Reply 3
People call you up calling you a loner?!
Reply 4
Yes ********, that's what their doing..........
Reply 5
Getting angry isn't gonna help your situation.

I can make friends okay but I'm not the most likeable person. People used to make fun of me alot. And i reacted very badly to them. Then i stopped reacting and everything got better. If you react then they will keep on doing it.

Also you don't seem to be trying to help your situation. You wont achieve anything by sitting indoors. You can at least go out and try to meet new people. The world isn't as bad as you're making it out to be.
As someone (and quite rightly) has already pointed out, if you are a nasty person and do things which hurt other people, or anything of that sort, then you can't be too surprised that people have this attitude towards you, can you?

It's all well and good explaining to the rest of TSR how you feel and what you've gone through, but if you don't like being labelled a 'loner', then maybe you need to start changing the way you perhaps talk/act towards other people.
Reply 7
I think his point was that he didn't want to 'help' the situation because he finds other people repugnant
I'm sorry people are being mean to you, but it might be because you're not welcoming and they probably find you slightly intimidating. Why don't you try to make some friends, see what it might be like? There are lots of very nice people out there, which I'm sure you'll find if you made the effort. It's also not very fair of you to think you can sit back and judge everyone, especially since you're not even trying to get to know people in the first place.
ignore it. I'm a bit of a loner as well, and one of my friends in high school even made a song about "<my name> is a looonnerrr" repeatedly. xD I like being by myself, and it doesn't matter how weird people think I am.
If you don't want to be like it make an effort. Naturally I'm probably not the world greatest ray of sunshine and I spend much of my time talking to people thinking "Why don't you just SHUT UP". However I recognise that making some sacrifices makes the rest of my life better, and it is worth it.
Reply 11
You need to change your attitudes. At the very best people just wont be interested in getting to know you if your 'a nasty person'. But you get *******s, and your a perfect target for them. I mean i'm a very laid back guy, but i would find it very difficult to make friends with you because you dont care lol. The guys ringing you up are pricks and should be ignored, but not everybody is like that and if you keep pre-judging people then you will never figure that one out.

God your such a pessimist :re: No girlfriend, no friends, resentment of an entire species due to some isolated circumstances (ie the 'sick world' you refer to). What do you actually want out of life?
Reply 12
send of positive vibes gain friends. maybe you don't have enough confidence, if you make an invisible barrier people WILL NOT bother with you, if you look confident people will be interested in you and would like to know you better. i'm not telling you to change yourself but maybe treat yourself to a new more daring outfit which shows off your character and what you're all about - plus shopping makes everyone feel better...!

by the sound of things you dont want friends and that's perfectly fine if you enjoy your own company. tell the people who phone you and call you a loner to *$@! off cos thats just out of order and they really need a reality check and get a life.
ignore it. I'm a bit of a loner as well, and one of my friends in high school even made a song about "<my name> is a looonnerrr" repeatedly. xD I like being by myself, and it doesn't matter how weird people think I am.

What that's terrible!:eek: And unbelievably childish. As long as you're happy with who you are it shouldn't really matter what others think :rolleyes: .
Reply 14
tell the people who phone you and call you a loner to *$@! off cos thats just out of order and they really need a reality check and get a life.

You are right, it is out of order. But screaming at them down the phone wont help the situation. They respond to anger. If they can make a joke out of you they will.

The trick is to ignore them. Don't take their abuse to heart. Go out and meet some nice people and you'll be flying.
Reply 15
being alone is not that bad sometimes... i'd rather be alone than be with a group of people who just stand there in silence...
People phone you...literally call you...on the shout loner at you. Wow! You must be worse than me.
What that's terrible!:eek: And unbelievably childish. As long as you're happy with who you are it shouldn't really matter what others think :rolleyes: .

he didn't mean it in any condescending way ... but I guess it made me realize how often people catch me on my own.
Murder/suicide? But seriously, they say children are hurtful, well their are alot of immature people at even 18. They are clearly compensating by making fun of you nto make up for their own personal losses and feelings of innadequacy. To solve this you should fight them, with knives.
Reply 19
I don't think he/she really expects people to be nice just not shout abuse down the phone which I think is realisic even if they're not the nicest person.

Hmm maybe try joining a sports club or something (non-competitive if comptition or team sports will make you angry). Then you wont be meeting the people you already know so it will be a fresh start and you'll be getting out of the house and getting exercise which should help a bit with the depression.