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Universities accepting using UCAS points

Hi all! I didn't do so well in my AS. I got a CCDE (RS, Economics, Biology and Chemistry) and my 6th form only allows subjects that are C or higher to be allowed to be taken up for A2. So I had a talk with my head of year and he said that I'll have to do those 2 at A2 and retake the other two using the new A level system as well as taking up another new AS. Her reason was that then it would be enough UCAS points. So in total I have 2 A levels (3 if including general) and 3 AS. However, I noticed that some of the universities I was looking at were only looking for either 3 grades or points from 3 A levels, and most universities don't accept general studies. I am not planning to retake the year because I only did really badly in one module of each RS and economics, so it'll be more of a hassle for me I think.

I am looking to do a course around management, business and economics, but not finance. I do not have A level maths. Does anybody know any universities with these courses and only look at points or either take 2 A levels and 2 AS levels?
I know Bath Spa, Aberystwyth University, Bangor, Birmingham City and Manchester Met accept points for their business-ey courses. Though I'm sure there's looooads more universities that accept tarriff points.

Ah, I've just re-read your post. If you don't have A-level maths, then you'll find it hard to get accepted on an economics course. Wouldn't you just be better retaking the year, drop Bio and Chem (which are pretty irrelevant to Business anyway) and do 2 other subjects that you feel you would get better grades in, and take all the way up to A2?
you could just resit a few modules to get ur grades up, u can take the exams in january.
Reply 3
To be honest, if you are looking at most Universities they will ask you for a minimum of three A levels, not including General Studies.
You are probably best of applying to a place that does accept General Studies so you can fulfil the three A level criteria.

I'd also say resits are probably your best option to be honest. I can't see a real point in you starting you AS's again with the new AS level structure as it will make it a great deal more difficult for you to balance workload etc.
You should deffiantly resit, only if you are motivated enough to gain AAA-AAB grades. Universities that accept UCAS points instead of stand alone grades, are inevitably lessening your chance in getting a decent career. Just thought i'd point that out.
Reply 6
Reply 7
Original post by Aha bahha

Useful input for a 2008 thread :smile:

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