It's definitely very coursework heavy - it's a lot of work if you want the top grades. But it's fun coursework - we were allowed to make whatever we wanted (AQA), so most people did slightly entertaining stuff. You have to generally have a rough idea of how a sewing machine works - the more techniques you put into the coursework the more chance you have of getting a better mark.
The folderwork is not so fun, but it's not difficult either, just time-consuming. As someone else said, if you don't mind giving up free time to do it you'd probably do well.
The actual exam is okay - there's a lot to learn and the revision is boring and rather pointless, but provided you learn everything it's relatively easy to do well.
I don't think an A* is too difficult - for an A* on the exam it's around 86% (AQA) which is only 40 %, and if you put effort into coursework high marks can be had as well. Although I haven't got my result yet, so saying that....
Pros - fun lessons, rewarding, sense of accomplishment, fun gcse in general.
Cons - a lot of work, boring theory.
If it helps, I really enjoyed it, even though the two weeks before the deadline was flipping stressful and I spent my whole half term cutting and sticking.