The Student Room Group

Chrysalis Level 3 Hypnotherapy and Counselling Skills - Essential Reading

I finished this course in December 2019. I bought all of the essential reading books and no longer need them. The five books cost over £100 and are still like new, in excellent condition. I tried to buy them second hand but couldn’t get hold of them. They are:-

The New Hypnotherapy Handbook - Kevin Hogan
The Art of Hypnosis - Mastering Basic Techniques
Hypnotherapy - A Practical Handbook, Hellmut W A Karle, Jennifer H Boys
Hypnosis for Change - Third Edition
First Steps in Counselling - Pete Sanders

Let me know if you are interested, I live in South Yorkshire to avoid postage costs. I could however look into postage costs.

I would like £45 for the five books.
Reply 1
Hi, please tell me what you thought of the course? Are you happy with the accreditation and are you working as a counsellor now?
Reply 2
Hi, it was OK, I can’t compare to any other hypnotherapy course though. Our group were really friendly. Unfortunately I had to stop at just doing Year 1 Hypnotherapy and Counselling due to personal circumstances. To be a fully qualified counsellor you need to do 3 years with Chrysalis. I can work as an hypnotherapist now but I’m not at the moment.
Reply 3
Do you still have the books? I'm starting this course in November 2020. Cheers. Angela.
Reply 5
I do still have them Angela.
which book
Original post by suebeeloo
I do still have them Angela.

Suebeeloo, great thanks!
I'm kinda thinking these will still be the required books for this year too. I'm in Glasgow, have you any idea what the postage might be? Thanks so much.
Reply 8
Original post by suebeeloo
I finished this course in December 2019. I bought all of the essential reading books and no longer need them. The five books cost over £100 and are still like new, in excellent condition. I tried to buy them second hand but couldn’t get hold of them. They are:-
The New Hypnotherapy Handbook - Kevin Hogan
The Art of Hypnosis - Mastering Basic Techniques
Hypnotherapy - A Practical Handbook, Hellmut W A Karle, Jennifer H Boys
Hypnosis for Change - Third Edition
First Steps in Counselling - Pete Sanders
Let me know if you are interested, I live in South Yorkshire to avoid postage costs. I could however look into postage costs.
I would like £45 for the five books.

I would be interested. Based in SY. Let me know your prices for the books, please.

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