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How hard is five A levels?

I have to choose my A levels for this september I am looking at good GCSE's (well not to TSR standard) 2C's, 6 A's, 2 A*'s. I want to go to a good university and study either PPE or Modern History and Politics.

The problem is choosing my A levels; I really want to do History and Politics, I want to do Philosophy too, I understand that Maths(C1,C2,C3,C4,S1,S2) is highly sort after for PPE and is a science; but I also want to study economics as it is helpful for my desired degree and becuase I enjoyed it at GCSE.

So my questions are:

1) How hard are 5 A levels?
2) For people who have done the above A levels; how difficult are they, what content, etc?
3) What grades and subejcts did you get if you are/or going to study PPE or History and POlitics at Uni?

Thanks for the help. :wink:

Grant :biggrin:

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Reply 1
There's certainly no advantage towards taking 5 A levels, but in general the work load might be a little intense. Most people find that with 4 A Levels they are really snowed under with work throughout the year, so 5 A Levels may prove very problematic. That said however, if you have sufficient drive it's very possible to do:smile:
I did five, or six if you include general studies
Maths, further maths, physics, economics and English lit, so not really easy subjects. Chosen for a combination of being good for what I wanna do and being what I enjoy. I got 4As and a B in English lit, for AS.
I don't want to do all 5 for A2, I think thats a bit too much so will drop English.
However for this year it wasn't too bad. Being generally bad at essays I did sometimes get bit stressed with the amount of English essays but I think I would've had the same problem if I'd only done four because if you can't do something, you can't! If you have no real problems with the five subjects you want to take, then you might as well try.
If you find its too much after the first month, term, or whatever, drop your 5th choice?

Do you have time in your college timetable for 5 subjects in the week?
I had to do further maths after school, but only because general took up a subject slot in school (had to do it). If it all fits into your timetable I'd say definitely worth a shot. If one would be in your own time/after school make sure you have enough motivation to keep yourself interested and doing the work when you have less teacher pressure.
Reply 3
the thing with the subjects you chose is that they're all 'full-on' subjects. i did art, biology, chemistry,russian and psychology and critical thinking. i ended up with 5 a's and a b (critical thinking) but it was because i was able to skimp a bit for art as its not the hardest of subjects. i would think again if I was you. do you really need both politics and history? i would suggest taking history as it is more highly regarded due to it being a traditional subject. but then again its yr choice at the end of the day! just be ready to sacrifice a large chunk of yr social life!
Reply 4
I did five, or six if you include general studies
Maths, further maths, physics, economics and English lit, so not really easy subjects. Chosen for a combination of being good for what I wanna do and being what I enjoy. I got 4As and a B in English lit, for AS.
I don't want to do all 5 for A2, I think thats a bit too much so will drop English.
However for this year it wasn't too bad. Being generally bad at essays I did sometimes get bit stressed with the amount of English essays but I think I would've had the same problem if I'd only done four because if you can't do something, you can't! If you have no real problems with the five subjects you want to take, then you might as well try.
If you find its too much after the first month, term, or whatever, drop your 5th choice?

Do you have time in your college timetable for 5 subjects in the week?
I had to do further maths after school, but only because general took up a subject slot in school (had to do it). If it all fits into your timetable I'd say definitely worth a shot. If one would be in your own time/after school make sure you have enough motivation to keep yourself interested and doing the work when you have less teacher pressure.

I will ahve to do some rearranging but will do history after school in "twilight lessons" which I have general aptitude for anyway. :smile:
Reply 5
I don't know if there would be any significant advantages doing 5 A-levels, but at the end of the day AAA is better then BBBBB, unless you have the dedication (not to mention the time!) to do 5 subjects.
Reply 6
I don't know if there would be any significant advantages doing 5 A-levels, but at the end of the day AAA is better then BBBBB, unless you have the dedication (not to mention the time!) to do 5 subjects.

What was your experience with Maths, History and Politics? :biggrin:
Reply 7
I don't see any advantage in doing 5 either. Like i said before on these threads its the straight As you AAA will always beat AABBB etc. Also you guys now have the A* grade which is important as it becomes less about quantity but more about the quality of the subjects you do do. A*A*A* will look alot prettier than AAAAA (and I'd bet it's alot less work too).

Well I did four and I can't say i was snowed under all year. UCAS took over my life for first six months of A2 and i basically did no work...from March/April onwards though it was rather intense- I had approx 10,000 (significant part of which in foreign language) words worth of coursework given to me at same time to get done..and on top of that i had study and revision. I almost dropped English literature etc. Lol Congrats to those who do 5 and get all As.

If you don't think you can get 5As, don't do 5. Similarly for doing 4 I think...although AAAB is no mean feat!
Reply 8
I don't see any advantage in doing 5 either. Like i said before on these threads its the straight As you AAA will always beat AABBB etc. Also you guys now have the A* grade which is important as it becomes less about quantity but more about the quality of the subjects you do do. A*A*A* will look alot prettier than AAAAA (and I'd bet it's alot less work too).

Well I did four and I can't say i was snowed under all year. UCAS took over my life for first six months of A2 and i basically did no work...from March/April onwards though it was rather intense- I had approx 10,000 (significant part of which in foreign language) words worth of coursework given to me at same time to get done..and on top of that i had study and revision. I almost dropped English literature etc. Lol Congrats to those who do 5 and get all As.

If you don't think you can get 5As, don't do 5. Similarly for doing 4 I think...although AAAB is no mean feat!

Which would you recomend to drop then? :smile:
Reply 9
Erm wow u are really thinking early about all this lol. Ok well if one of you A*s is likely to be in Maths then I'd defo take it, at least to AS, because it's pretty straightforward. An A at gcse is still decent too. I'd say forget about Economics unles you REALLY want to do it..otherwise i think its a bit like Law A level where it gives u no advantage and some departments would rather you didn't do it at A Level. History and Politics will give you loads of chances to discuss economy stuff.

So History, Politics, Maths and Philosophy...personally, if you want, I'd remove politics. 'Cause i see them as basically the same thing but History being more interesting. But then my A Level history course was basically political there any period which isn't though? Those four sound good:biggrin:
There are people at my school doing 5 and they find the workload heavy, however the ones who enjoy their subjects are all doing really well.

I would recommend 5 at AS, and the drop one that you feel you will not achieve highly in or if you find you dislike a subject drop that and do 4, that is certainly enough for any university, especially as none of your subjects are "soft" options.
Reply 11
Stick with 4, you have a better chance of getting all A's or now A*(luky u). Its difficult doing 4 subjects i find.
Reply 12
Iv chosen to do 4 A levels.. Biology, Chemistry, English Literature and Sociology...
Seeing as im not a very bright student like most people in this thread.. do you think the subjects are too hard? and are ther any extra tips that can help in Achieving A's?

Thankz x

I'd say 5 AS levels are manageable, but not going all the way to A2

Maths is a certainty, it will be a huge help if you do apply for PPE. If you are considering any history degree you need history tbh, so you need to take that.

I'd then say, as politics is part of both of your options, studying it at A level will show you how interested you are and show universities that you have a genuine interest in the subject and after studying it, I found, writing about say in your personal statement is a lot easier because you have actually found genuine areas of academic studies you enjoy. Then between economics and philosophy is up to you. I take economics and I have to say I find it fascinating, and it links up perfectly with politics. Philosophy, I know people at my school have said can be quite dull and lacks any real depth, instead of being really philosophical its learning essay technique for the exam, but that is only the experience at my school.
Reply 14
Im worried about Chemistry... Is it realii difficult..
bcoz most people i have asked say that it is the most difficult A level... so im a little worried.. however i must do chemistry as it is needed for my future career!! Problem
with your gcses, too hard
Reply 16
It will be easier than doing the IB where you do 6 subjects. So either way its still a kop out compared to other dimplomas.
Reply 17
well ill just have to lock my self in my room till im confident enough to take any exams!

Thats if i get the GCSE results needed to do the A levelz i have chosen!! (2days!!)

:frown: :frown: :frown:
Reply 18
I did Law, Psychology, Media Studies, ICT, General Studies and Critical Thinking and my timetable was about 20 hours per week, I think, if that helps at all.
Reply 19
Oh yes! and General Studies is a core subject at the college that i have applied!! THATS 5!! im never gona make it!! I*PanicAttack*:no: :confused: