The Student Room Group

Guys, have you had girls just randomly say to you "you're fit"...

...or with their friends "he's fit" referring to you. I just don't know what to do when it happens but smile. :o: But I'm shy so I don't strike up a conversation even when I really want to and she makes it obvious she likes me. It just seems a bit random if I start talking to her without really knowing who she is. Confused, yes, so am I. :no: I get attention but I just don't have enough confidence to take things deeper and further and they eventually lose interest because they think I've lost interest - not the case at all. What do I do?

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It means they hate you. :indiff:
Reply 2
If she's fit then tell her she's pretty hot too.
Reply 3
Act like a prick so girls will be attracted to you.
Reply 4
If you don't have the confidence to talk to her there and then (particularly if she is with a bunch of friends) you could write down your number and give it to her. This could work well if she (and her friends) are stationary (sitting somewhere, for example, like on a train) and so you can pass her the small piece of paper, give her another smile and then leave.

If you can't summon the courage to actually talk to her there and then, then this might be your best option - potentially no talking required! :biggrin:
Reply 5
No, oddly enough.

I once had a girl randomly say to me "you're in my seat", though. She clearly had eyes for me.
Reply 6
The first step is always REALLY hard, the best way to do this is go to a club that is pretty cheap and you now the girls are pretty easy, then just start dansing on the dansefloor and if you'll get girls coming around you, just tilt you body in there direction, do afew moves and smile then she'll probs start grinding on you if there easy and then you can have your wicked way with her mate, as that's the easy and fun bit :wink: that will most definately get your confidence up mate, so when it comes to a respectable girl you've got abit under your belt to go for it even though you didn't actually talk, it's what happened to me mate and it's in the process of working :wink: good luck
only in my dreams...
All the time, women simply throw themselves at me everywhere I go. It was good for a while, but now I'm sick of it.
Reply 9
Yeah, but they're usually chavs yelling it from accross the road.
Yeah, but I won't talk to them even if they are fit, its not my style. Stifler does the running man! The ho's say 'you're fit!', Stifler says '**** YOU, I'M NOT JUST A PIECE OF MEAT IN WHICH YOU CAN LEECH YOURSELF UPON! FIND A ****ING COMPUTER NERD WITH A PHD IN CRETINOLOGY!!!".

Then the scenarios are most likely:
a). They say 'OMG You're so arrogant! **** you we don't want you even though we just offered ourselves for sex 5 seconds ago!'


b.) they don't take the hint and they come in their 1000s to jump and ultimately force me to look at their breasts. IN THIS CASE: ...

I'm *****
^ What the **** is that dude talking bout?

Happens to my friend a lot cause he's very good looking; I'd imagine the best thing to do is to jsut go with it if a conversation starts up from there, at least you know she's interested.

Personally I don;t react to compliments or very obvious female attention very well, once a girl smiled at me from a bus and I giggled for ages. Other times I've gotten really forward compliments and just not known how to react.
yes 2 at once!
Reply 13 it just me, or is this not a problem at all? More a.....boast? I get 'You're fat' quite alot though, but most of them come from people with broad west country accents, and I probably have the same problem as you.
Reply 14
Yeah, but they're usually chavs yelling it from accross the road.


Act like a prick so girls will be attracted to you.

^^ this guy is a genius, listen to him!
Reply 15
I usually only say "you're fit" to minging guys to take the piss and make my friends laugh, never genuinely
Just reply with a "Why thank you, so are you :smile:" and walk off.
yeh i get "sexy ****er" mostly, but you just shrug it off.
Reply 18
No, never.
Usually draped in copious amounts of sarcasm for I am anything but...

I get many a frantic whisper of "oooh, his legs are so skinny"...