I put friends in speech marks because sometimes they aren't actually friends, just people who sort of are but you don't really want to know.
1) So, for people who are friends, what do you say when the truth isn't very pleasing eg. you've seen too much of them recently or you just don't feel like it. The problem is I can't make up something random because generally they know my business and they know what is realistic and what isn't.
2) For people who sort of think that you're friends with them but you'd rather just cut them out of your life, what do you say?
When uni starts it would be piss easy, but right now its the middle of the summer holiday, everyone knows I don't have a job and I don't have f.a. to do (other than playing tennis two nights a week).
If I lie and say I'm meeting other "friends", they're pretty nosy so they ask who and what we're doing, which means I have to tell quite a detailed lie, which I don't like doing. Also, I blame facebook for this partially because most people I know also know most other people I know, so they can check what they're doing quite easily, making it hard for me to lie.
I wish I could jsut scream down the phone to them "just leave me alone for two weeks! I want a two week holiday from being asked what I'm doing! Just because I'm not busy doesn't mean I have to meet you!" But if I do that everyone will think I'm some weird loner with mental issues.